Wed 1 Feb 2017 7:18PM

vzw / asbl in the making

TVO Tim Van Oosterwyck Public Seen by 34

Dear all

During last lab of 28/01 a workgroup was created to pick up on the creation of the vzw where the last team left off (look on the lab's minutes).

As you know, the creation of the vzw, as is, was approved during last october's General Assembly.

Within the group, volunteers have been identified to start the first board, also a potential address as principal seat has been mentioned. Although any of this is still up for change. NOTE: the statutes themmselves are not up for change.

During a designated meeting in Expression (Mechelen) we would like to invite anyone interested to:
- provide feedback
- apply as board or loose member
- suggest alternative head office addresses

The final draft will be present (and signed if membership ambitions remain unchanged by the meeting).

Further follow-up actions have been laid out. Such as arranging a knowledge transfer from Patrick and/or Toon to streamline the administrative part.

MEETING details: https://wiki.pirateparty.be/ASBL/VZW_creation/Meeting/21_02_2017
- monday 27/02/2017
- 19:30h
- De Olifant (across the street of Expression)
Hendrick consciencestraat 39
2800 Mechelen

Any constructive feedback is of course welcome!

Project page on the wiki and next meeting(s) : Asbl/Vzw Creation


Thierry Fenasse Tue 7 Feb 2017 4:28PM

Instead of asking money to become a member on the website, if we where asking for people participation, maybe we would not waste so many time on those kind of thin[gk]s :

Pirate BE - non public group used 2 years ago.
* what kind of vzw/asbl do we want?
* What will be the statutes and the goals of this asbl/vzw ?

Pirates BE - Permanent Assembly - this current public group.
* Founding members for the asbl ......
* Restart: A distribution key for incoming member contributions

And many time also on Facebook, Google Docs, Pads, etc.

So ... when there is some money involved, if crews and squads where handling their own funding needs, incomes and expenses transparently, on their own. Using some kind of call for funds based on a detailed budget request to organize a symposium, print some t-shirts or do anything.

as an example : IT-Squad - Expenses which asks the current Finance Squad to pay the bills from the Triodos bank account. It could be fulfilled be some IT-Squad members and other contributors if we change the way we handle money.

Would we still need some asbl/vzw?

And if some pirates keep working on it please ... do-it as an asbl/vzw creation squad.


Pascal Dk Tue 7 Feb 2017 9:01PM

"War. War never changes."

But statutes do.

(I'm reading this topic since it has been created, I try to resist but it triggers me like hell... so here we go)

1/ The goal of the VZW is not clear.

At first, the project was aiming at having an official "something" in order to get public funds in case of a victory during the next elections.
Now, this VZW wants to deal with every cents owned by the PPBE, the memberships (money and database), and some other stuffs (ie : admin support)

In a word, the final result has nothing to do with the original goal.

For me it's enough to stop and block, but there is more.

2/ There is still unreplied questions.

Valerie asked questions in the VZW's Google Doc.. no replies.
She asked again during the last GA... still no replies.
Sandrine asks for a french version IN THIS TOPIC... no replies either.

3/ A lot of arguments have never been considered.

One of them being the fact that Crews are independent for their own money.
Another one is the FACT that a VZW doesn't provide money protection.

Since it has been proved 2 years ago, I still wonder why we should belive the opposite now.

4/ Patrick is someone we can trust.

Not agreeing with him is not enough to deny what he has to say.
That kind of stuff shows ego, not reason (wisdom).

5/ Democracy...

Who said a vote during a GA is obviously "democratic" ?
Many Pirates (oldest, maybe) perfectly knows how a vote maybe corrupted, irrelevant, or just rotten.
(One of) The first things to get before talking about democracy is information.

Cf 2/, there is still informations we don't have despite asking for them.

6/ Why a VZW (and not something else)

I asked about it, the answer kills me : "it easier and that's all we know".
It means Pirates are lazy, doesn't want to learn new stuffs, and they will do the same than every other political party in Belgium.

Honestly, this freaks me out.

7/ VZW for all ?

Finally, if you want to build a VZW, why don't you start by creating your own, for your crew, instead of trying to make one for everyone ?

So yes, I don't like this project from the beginning, and in my point of view it's getting worst.

It tries to answer issues, but it creates new ones.
It feels like we should accept this VZW just because some work has been done.

BUT... it raised some questions about identity, workflow, money, membership, privacy, power sharing, elections, banks, ... and we still don't have the answers.

Without them you can start any VZW, I bet my two hands it won't work.



Valerie D. Tue 7 Feb 2017 9:41PM

Reminder: not that long after the GA we tried to start "extracting" the arguments against the vzw to be able to repair the concept but the pad was born-dead. Maybe it can be reborn from its ashes? or a little brother of it? or something similar to bring documentation around this build up? https://mypads.framapad.org/p/asbl-vzw-2016-pro-against-r77a975h


Jan Van Opstal Tue 7 Feb 2017 11:42PM

Er zijn meerdere redenen waarom een overkoepelende vzw (of andere vorm) wel zinvol is.

De aansprakelijkheid:

In een feitelijke vereniging kan elkeen aansprakelijk worden gesteld. Dat kan..... heel verstrekkende gevolgen hebben. Het is niet omdat er nog geen voorval is geweest, dat dit niet kan komen.

De regeling rondom lidgelden:

Het ligt toch voor de hand, dat op die manier mensen lid worden van de gehele groep en dat op basis van een goed uitgewerkte verdeelsleutel en/of goed te keuren budgettering op een praktische manier kan worden gewerkt.

De mogelijkheid tot het in gebruik nemen van een BTW rekening:

waardoor BTW kan worden afgetrokken. veelal 21%

Dan zijn er nog de voordelen die vzw kunnen bekomen:

Erkenning, subsidies en voordelen allerlei aard, zoals oa provinciale uitleen diensten enz.

De wettelijke structuur:

In een vzw of andere rechtspersoonlijkheid is dat statutair en door de wetgever allemaal al uitgewerkt en veel makkelijker om dan praktisch te werk te gaan. De huidige statuten van de feitelijke vereniging zouden dat normaal gezien ook moeten bieden, maar de realiteit toont aan dat dit niet volledig zo is.

De houding van Patrick Installé in deze stelt wel degelijk vragen. Als ik goed begrepen heb, heeft hij op de laatste vergadering zijn ontslag aangeboden. En is hij dus ontslagnemend? Dan is het wel ongepast om te weigeren een overdracht van de rekening te doen. Gezien hij stelt "I will NOT make any transfert to such organisationn. I hask Toon to do the same. Even if it was decided by lazycracy."

Dit is duidelijk buiten elke bevoegdheid en stelt daardoor zijn goede trouw wel degelijk in vraag. Tenslotte is de algemene vergadering die de beslissingen neemt en niet een aangestelde beheerder, die om al dan niet gegronde redenen het oneens is met de keuze van de Algemene vergadering.(sic)

Nu Pascal DK stelt wel degelijk goede vragen omtrent deze materie. Het is duidelijk dat we beter verder met rede de zaken benaderen en zo tot een consensus kunnen groeien. Het kan niet de bedoeling zijn dat verandering of uitbreiding van structuur zou leiden tot splitsingen. Waar zijn we anders mee bezig?

De manier waarop het voorstel voor de vzw werd geformuleerd is wel degelijk voor kritiek vatbaar.

Het lijkt me veel beter dat we eerder zo goed of helemaal afstappen van de feitelijke vereniging (behoudens voor enkele bijzondere zaken, zoals privacy bescherming voor sommige piraten) en volledig werken binnen de nieuwe structuur.

Op die manier stellen er zich 'geen' mogelijke belangen conflicten. Al de piraten worden lid van de overkoepelende VZW. Zij vormen dan ook de algemene vergadering en beslissen dan ook over alle materie.

Dan nog kunnen er op lokaal vlak vzw worden gemaakt, die deel uitmaken van de overkoepelende vzw.

Het wordt nu toch stilaan tijd om de PiratenPartij uit de start blokken te krijgen. Er gaat veel kostbare tijd verloren door gebrek aan daadkracht. Voor crews die eerder van burgerlijsten dromen is dat voor de gemeenteverkiezing mogelijks allemaal niet zo belangrijk. Maar voor we het weten komen ook de andere verkiezingen eraan. Kunnen we dan niet beter SAMEN werken? Het gedachten goed van de Piraten heeft zeker ingang bij veel mensen, laten we schepen bouwen en de zeilen hijsen.... ;-)

En bij man overboord..... verplicht maneuver ... reddingsoperatie ... Patrick Installé ... Jan Cabouter ... al zijn het goede zwemmers, we moeten ze nu toch niet laten afdrijven of verdrinken :-)

to be translated....?


Jo Clarysse Wed 8 Feb 2017 12:22AM

Do we, the Belgian Pirate Party, need a VZW/ASBL? Clearly, we do.

Would the Belgian Pirates like another system in place? Obviously and most probably. But fear of a possible lack of transparency and concentrated power to only a chosen few is holding some of those Belgian pirates back. Which is quite natural, being that this would go against the main principles of the Pirate Party. (Democracy 2.0, Transparency)

In the meantime, the Belgian 'division' of the Pirate Party has agreed in a as-much-democratic-as-possible-for-the-time-being way chosen to start one. This to facilitate a lot of administrative annoyances. In my humble opinion, you're all welcome to come up with something better and possible adjustments, but in the future. Not beforehand, in the future. Those possible improvements can be implemented or copied when proven to be better, in an even further future (to be clear: It's already very, very, late for version 1.0).

Do we need to rewrite the very core of the OS (operating system)? Yes. But as things are, we need to choose an OS(operating system) first to do anything with, at all. Probably OS was a poorly chosen metaphor. Let's call it what it is, a handbag. And for the sake of feeding every gender-related discussion: Yes. We do need a new handbag. All the time. Everyday, if possible.

The goal of the party is to have a (little) say in the global political system and thus bring transparency to the public. Not so much to keep us Belgian Pirates quiet by an everlasting discussion about it's make-up (as in lipstick,deodorant,..). Probably most of you who're reading this, feel like this has to be discussed at another GA (General Assembly). I do not. Mainly because organizing a General Assembly without one (a VZW/ASBL) is a hassle and costly for no good reason.

I don't know of any English expression which sums all of this up as well, so the Flemish one that pops in my head is one about ants copulating. Maybe not so much an expression as it is a verb. Anyhow, it implies it doesn't really matter all that much and it just keeps us from doing what we are supposed to be doing. Yes, it should be perfected. But that will only happen when we finally have something to perfect.

A VZW/ASBL will be created this month. More than three Belgian Pirates are eager and willing to do so. You are free to steer away from it, as a person or if you can convince others in your local crew to do so as a team, by not joining that VZW/ASBL. You are in this case however, not entitled (by law) to ask for any of it's benefits, either. And you are still free to use that alternative system you will create/debate/scrap/debate/create/disagree upon/debate...


HgO Wed 8 Feb 2017 8:39AM

Pascal said everything.

Why can't you create an ASBL/VZW for Flanders first ? You could try it for one year and see if it was a good idea, or au contraire if this didn't solve your problems.

My decision is simple: in case you create this national ASBL/VZW as it is (with the statutes I saw during last GA), I will stop paying my membership fee :) I would also encourage people who are against this to do the same, as it seems we cannot do more to express our disagreement...


Jan Van Opstal Wed 8 Feb 2017 2:40PM

Creating a ASBL for Flanders first does not look as a good idea.

Finding a consensus by changing the ASBL concept looks like a better way to go.


Sandrine Debatty Wed 8 Feb 2017 5:44PM

Les pirates sont censés être unis... Si on fait une asbl par région, où va-t-on? La prochaine étape, c'est des AG par région? Le test peut très bien être réalisé au niveau national. Surtout qu'il y a aussi des francophones favorables à l'asbl. De plus, cette décision a été votée à l'AG. Si on ne met pas en pratique l'asbl au niveau national, qu'on ne respecte pas le vote des membres, à quoi bon voter? A quoi bon être un parti? Quelle image donne-t-on vers l'extérieur? On est censé être différent des autres partis et au final, on se comporte pareil, chacun tire la couverture à soi en faisant fi des décisions communes. Super.


HgO Wed 8 Feb 2017 5:55PM

Si on fait une asbl par région, où va-t-on?

On règle un conflit au niveau national, tout simplement.

La prochaine étape, c'est des AG par région?

Il n'est pas question de ça, tu dramatises...

Le test peut très bien être réalisé au niveau national.

Cela me conviendrait aussi (tester une ASBL pour une durée d'un an). Nous avions déjà fait cette proposition, mais elle n'a visiblement pas été retenue. Et je crains aussi qu'on « oublie » d'arrêter le test au bout d'un an.

à quoi bon voter?

C'est bien la question que je me pose. Voter pour voter ne m'intéresse pas. C'est bien de respecter les votes, mais il faut aussi savoir réfléchir au sens du vote. Si le vote génère plus de conflits qu'autre chose, il est peut-être intéressant de se demander s'il est légitime, utile, nécessaire, etc. Et pour rappel, les statuts ont été votés en AG, je ne sais pas si le résultat est très convaincant...

on se comporte pareil

Dans d'autres partis, la question ne se poserait même pas. Un petit comité déciderait ce qui est bon pour toi, et tu n'aurais rien à dire.

chacun tire la couverture à soi en faisant fi des décisions communes.

À nouveau, ce n'est pas une question d'ego...

EDIT: Et sur la question du vote, je t'invite à lire le commentaire de Pascal. Je peux le traduire si vraiment c'est nécessaire...
Pour le reste, tout a été dit, je ne perds plus mon temps avec ce sujet. Il y a des choses bien plus intéressantes et urgentes à faire dans ce parti...


Sandrine Debatty Wed 8 Feb 2017 6:52PM

Je vais te rappeler une valeur des pirates: "les pirates font confiance". Visiblement, ils ont surtout confiance en eux-mêmes, aux autres par contre... Les pirates veulent aussi rassembler. Et toi tu parles de séparatisme... Ce qu'il y a de plus urgent dans ce parti, c'est d'avoir un minimum d'unité, de cohérence, pour qu'un jour le projet aboutisse. Il faut avancer avec les gens qui ont envie d'avancer ensemble, sinon l'énergie qu'on donne ne sert à rien. On est censé travailler ensemble et pas les uns contre les autres. Ce n'est pas la première fois que je le dis et je crois malheureusement que c'est loin d'être la dernière.

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