Thu 12 Feb 2015 1:01AM

New Help documentation - we want your feedback!

DU Deleted account Public Seen by 285

Hi generous community - we want your feedback :)

Lately we’ve been writing technical support/help documentation content for Loomio. We have implemented an initial overview, and now we would love to hear from you about what we can do to make it better!

You can visit the new Help page here: loomio.org/help.

This is the first comprehensive help documentation overview we’ve attempted, and we want to ensure its as helpful as it can be, so we would love it if you would take a moment to check out the new page and give us feedback.

Specifically, we’re looking for feedback on content quality, tone, language and structure.

  • What have we missed?
  • Is there anything about the content or structure that doesn’t make sense, is inaccessible or should be reworded?
  • Thinking back to when you first joined Loomio - what were your main questions as you got underway? Do you think this new documentation would have helped?

Please feel free to make any comments here in this Loomio discussion (go on, we can take it!), and link to specific parts of the documentation if that feels useful to you.

NB: Unfortunately, because this page has not been translated, we can only show you the English version right now.

Next steps are addressing your feedback, implementing content improvements, polishing, translation, and interface design and implementation. We’ll also be revisiting the content on the verge of the 1.0 release.

Thank you!

Lots of love,

Hannah (on behalf of Team Loomio)


Greg Cassel Thu 26 Feb 2015 8:49PM

I was hoping to have some useful feedback on the (generally awesome, epic) help page but I lacked capacity to focus on that. I understand the desire to translate ASAP, perhaps especially for the many Spanish speakers.

On a related note, @hannahsalmon , I guess the help page isn't entirely 'live' yet? I haven't seen a way to navigate to it, whether logged in or not. Are you guys planning to fully connect it and to translate it during the same frame of time?

I'm hoping that the Help page will become a prominent navigational option, either directly accessible on the index page or as a submenu option for "About", which is essentially an "About Us" page now (for some superb people). I've noticed that "About" isn't currently indexed for visitors, but it's linked prominently a fair ways down the middle of the page.


Richard D. Bartlett Thu 26 Feb 2015 10:00PM

I just noticed that Gmail will often include a link to their help docs as part of the "flash message". I.e. "You just moved this discussion out of your inbox. Find out more."


Greg Cassel Thu 26 Feb 2015 11:00PM

I don't wanna make your life more complicated @hannahsalmon but @presley had a great comment in "how can we make it easy for people to keep up to date with Loomio progress" today. I think it would be awesome if possible to add something small but prominent to the "Help" page, to address how users can keep up with Loomio development and (if they choose) become actively contributing members of the community.

For instance, the Help page is currently structured as:

"How do I get started?
1.Start a group to collaborate with people on Loomio
2.Invite people into your group
3.Start a discussion on any topic
4.Make a proposal to see how everyone feels about a particular course of action
5.Decide together: "

To me right now, it would actually make lots of sense to add something like "6.Follow the Loomio story." and link that to some very simple, clear info on how to follow updates (twitter, Trello roadmap, blog) and to join this Loomio Community if desired.

I do realize that I'm saying this over two weeks after you first asked for feedback, and you probably want to or need to press forward. O:)


Deleted account Sun 1 Mar 2015 8:41PM

Hey feedback-providers, I've just updated the help docs to include Presley's suggestions, so please keep them coming :)

@gregorycassel, thanks very much for your input. You can access the Help page from inside the app by clicking on your user menu and selecting “Help”. But I’ve also just put a link in the footer, and we we are currently thinking about the best ways to expose it so that people can find it when they need it.

Hmm, I’m not sure about putting a 6th step into that initial quick start guide, but I think you’re right in that the help docs could be a good place to inform users of how they can keep up with Loomio development and/or become contributing members of the community.

Currently there are two questions in the FAQ section of the help docs that relate to engaging with Loomio development:

“What if I have a feature to suggest?” and “What’s coming up in the Loomio development pipeline?”

…but I’m aware that doesn’t cover everything that has been discussed in that thread, and is the FAQ too invisible? Maybe there should be a whole section called something like “Contributing to Loomio” or even just "The Loomio Community" which could include explanations of the various aspects to the community - open source contributions, the roadmap, this here group etc..?


Greg Cassel Wed 4 Mar 2015 1:44AM

I do think that a section called something like "Contributing to Loomio" or "The Loomio Community" would be helpful. Also, it seems like a lack of awareness of the trello roadmap (especially Ideas Backlog) comes up pretty often. The upvoting on trello cards would be more meaningful if more people engaged there. It would be helpful IMO to create more passive awareness of trello. :)


Presley Wed 4 Mar 2015 2:08AM

Related to Greg's idea, here are some questions I've had (some of which I still have) regarding participating in the community:

  • should users start a proposals in the Loomio Community? (it seems like generally no, as when people do, they get like 10 votes and then think that because 8 people agreed, something should happen)
  • should I vote or comment on the Trello cards (so few people do that I'm not sure if I'm being obnoxious when I do)
  • should I revive really old discussions or start new ones?
  • should I suggest a feature even though it's a bad time for new features?
  • is the Ideas Backlog is meant to contain things that will be implemented when there's time, or just things that might be implemented and will be discussed further?

Greg Cassel Wed 4 Mar 2015 4:24AM

@presley are you suggesting those (excellent) questions as possible additions to the Help document, or are they things you're still wondering about yourself? I'd prefer for core team members to comment on some of them (instead of me)... however, some of them could actually be good new topics unto themselves.


Presley Wed 4 Mar 2015 4:35AM

Both :). I'm still wondering about most of them, which is my anecdotal evidence that there's something to be gained by covering them somewhere. A section on contributing in the Help page seems like a good place to me.


Alanna Irving Wed 4 Mar 2015 5:15AM

Good questions @presley - basically we've designed a system for an aspirational reality where we have a lot more development capacity to be building new features. So right now, lots of things get suggested and added to the backlog, but don't get actioned. I really hope that shifts soon and we can start implementing a lot of the great ideas. I do think it's really valuable to suggest features, engage with cards in the backlog, etc, because someday we will be able to do more development, and at that point we really want to build the most useful stuff for users!

Regarding "should I revive old discussion or start new ones" - I would say if the old discussion has relevant context, please revive the old one. If it's actually a different topic, start a new one and link back to the other one if it's relevant. This is a judgement call I'm happy for users to make themselves since there's no black and white answer. Often times past discussions have a lot of rich content that's good to include.


Greg Cassel Wed 4 Mar 2015 6:19AM

should users start a proposals in the Loomio Community? (it seems like generally no, as when people do, they get like 10 votes and then think that because 8 people agreed, something should happen)

If anyone feels that their independent proposal with maybe 1-3% community engagement means that something should happen, they are perfectly free to express that view and see how it goes from there. I don't think of that as a major problem.

However, perhaps it could be made somewhat clearer in How the Loomio Community Works (which is linked in Loomio Community's front page description) that Loomio Community decisions, and (most of) its subgroup decisions, are non-binding with respect to Loomio Cooperative.

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