Fri 18 Aug 2017 7:24PM

Aug 18 Meeting in Portland OR

JS Jon Schull Public Seen by 409

Everton Lins Fri 25 Aug 2017 5:25PM

The choice "Support EnablingTheFuture" can attract a lot of votes but as the "how" isn't there, it gets little subjective and it may distract attention from other more objective goals. How about setting a specific goal for this one?


Jon Schull Sun 27 Aug 2017 8:21PM

An excellent suggestion, Everton.

A specific goal and proposed process be welcome.

Note that this was an experimental, non-binding poll (I think it's working well, but I'd like to get more people involved).

Then we can begin figuring out how to allocate real money.

You'll find another experiment, this one using real money and specifically targeted to EnablingTheFuture at https://opencollective.com/re-nable.


Jon Schull Fri 1 Sep 2017 2:45PM

(Test, testing...)

Using Arthur Anonymous Testing (@arthuranonymoustes), I've determined that anyone can vote, but only Members can comment in the thread.

Loomio apparently uses the email address to retrieve a Gravatar image.


Jon Schull Thu 7 Sep 2017 1:59AM

Hey you who voted, I've tried to take this to the next step. Please check out the new thread