Fri 18 Aug 2017 7:24PM

Aug 18 Meeting in Portland OR

JS Jon Schull Public Seen by 409

Poll Created Fri 18 Aug 2017 11:31PM

How should we allocate the $50,000 we got from Google.org? You have 10 dots to "spend". How should we spend them? Closed Thu 7 Sep 2017 2:28AM

by Jon Schull Thu 7 Sep 2017 2:30AM

39 people participated in our experimental non-binding poll on how to allocate the google funds

There were 2 big winners:
* Support EnablingTheFuture (111 points)
* Establish a mini-grant Fund (80 points)

Because the mini-grant fund could Support EnablingTheFuture (among other things) I've created a new thread to propose and hopefully implement a first mini-grant program.

Please consider the Minigrant Program Proposal

To jumpstart the process, please create and review Funding proposals like this one.

This is a non-binding poll to begin thinking about this question. You can change your allocations over time based on emerging discussions.

You can also add your own suggestions to this initial list of options, and "fake-fund them." This prototypes the mini-grant process!)

Use the discussion thread to help clarify and discuss the process as well as the proposals.


Results Option % of points Points Mean Voters
Support EnablingTheFuture 32.5% 108 3.0 36
Establish a mini-grant fund. 23.2% 77 2.1 36
Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials 11.1% 37 1.1 33
Further Development of Better Online Collaboration Tools 9.3% 31 2.8 11
Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland 7.5% 25 0.7 36
Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17 5.7% 19 0.5 36
Keep the money in reserve for future needs. 5.4% 18 0.5 36
Events which connect and inform chapter leaders 5.1% 17 0.8 21
Undecided 0% 0 0 4

38 of 42 people have participated (90%)


Michael Howland Sat 19 Aug 2017 12:20AM

4 - Support EnablingTheFuture
2 - Establish a mini-grant fund.
2 - Keep the money in reserve for future needs.
1 - Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17
1 - Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland

Set some funds aside for 2018 San Mateo Maker Faire booth to help raise awareness & seek out additional funding. I'd drive down to man it!


Jen Owen Tue 22 Aug 2017 5:26PM

Not voting. :) thank you to those that are!


Chad Coarsey Tue 22 Aug 2017 5:29PM

5 - Establish a mini-grant fund.
5 - Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland
0 - Support EnablingTheFuture
0 - Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17
0 - Keep the money in reserve for future needs.
0 - Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials

Mini grant fund to power local E-nable chapters and build on grassroots movement


Christian Silva Tue 22 Aug 2017 6:04PM

1 - Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials
0 - Support EnablingTheFuture
0 - Establish a mini-grant fund.
0 - Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland
0 - Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17
0 - Keep the money in reserve for future needs.

It's great that the Enable Community take in count our opinion to make this kind of issues


Drew Murray Tue 22 Aug 2017 6:45PM

5 - Support EnablingTheFuture
5 - Establish a mini-grant fund.
0 - Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland
0 - Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17
0 - Keep the money in reserve for future needs.
0 - Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials

ETF / GRANT funding should have defined objectives and reasonable chance of success based on measurable evidence. All fund dispersal ammounts should be made public


Jeff Powell Tue 22 Aug 2017 7:24PM

8 - Events which connect and inform chapter leaders
2 - Support EnablingTheFuture
0 - Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland
0 - Keep the money in reserve for future needs.
0 - Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials
0 - Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17
0 - Establish a mini-grant fund.

I think the most useful benefits would be from the top down. Support the ETF crew that ties things together. Bring chapter leaders together, so they may learn from each other, push new info to their groups, and form collaborations.


Jack Sutcliffe Wed 30 Aug 2017 12:48PM

4 - Events which connect and inform chapter leaders
4 - Further Development of Better Online Collaboration Tools
2 - Support EnablingTheFuture
0 - Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17
0 - Keep the money in reserve for future needs.
0 - Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials
0 - Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland
0 - Establish a mini-grant fund.

Any ways really to help the development of eNABLE chapters around the world and influence other areas/causes with Open Design like by having more design challenges (eg - Future is within reach)


Poll Created Fri 18 Aug 2017 11:31PM

How should we allocate the $50,000 we got from Google.org? You have 10 dots to "spend". How should we spend them? Closed Thu 7 Sep 2017 2:28AM

by Jon Schull Thu 7 Sep 2017 2:30AM

39 people participated in our experimental non-binding poll on how to allocate the google funds

There were 2 big winners:
* Support EnablingTheFuture (111 points)
* Establish a mini-grant Fund (80 points)

Because the mini-grant fund could Support EnablingTheFuture (among other things) I've created a new thread to propose and hopefully implement a first mini-grant program.

Please consider the Minigrant Program Proposal

To jumpstart the process, please create and review Funding proposals like this one.

This is a non-binding poll to begin thinking about this question. You can change your allocations over time based on emerging discussions.

You can also add your own suggestions to this initial list of options, and "fake-fund them." This prototypes the mini-grant process!)

Use the discussion thread to help clarify and discuss the process as well as the proposals.


Results Option % of points Points Mean Voters
Support EnablingTheFuture 32.5% 108 3.0 36
Establish a mini-grant fund. 23.2% 77 2.1 36
Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials 11.1% 37 1.1 33
Further Development of Better Online Collaboration Tools 9.3% 31 2.8 11
Fund a Summer 2018 e-NABLE Conference in Portland 7.5% 25 0.7 36
Fund the e-NABLE Alliance Retreat in Baltimore Dec 13-17 5.7% 19 0.5 36
Keep the money in reserve for future needs. 5.4% 18 0.5 36
Events which connect and inform chapter leaders 5.1% 17 0.8 21
Undecided 0% 0 0 4

38 of 42 people have participated (90%)


Jon Schull Tue 22 Aug 2017 6:59PM

Great to see new participants and new proposals (Christian added "Support for chapters in Latin America with equipment and materials" and it's already garnered 12 points).

We need to figure out how to categorize and execute these proposals and the others that will follow . Here are some questions to ponder and discuss.

  • Any of these fundable proposals could fall under the category of mini-grants. Would that be good?

  • And how do we decide how to allocate funds to various mini-grant proposals.

For example
* one person, one vote
* one person, ten votes? (as in this non-binding dot-poll)
* votes per person determined by past contributions (how?)
* etc.

The way to work out the answers to such questions might be
* to use this Loomio to discuss, then informally propose, then get feedback and revise, etc.
* And, of course, to get more people involved.

The Loomio and Enspiral communities have thought a lot about these issues and come up with a variety of solutions and formulas. Let's learn from them and from each other, to move toward agreed-upon processes for agreed-upon decisions.

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