
Sayre Cohousing (placeholder only!)

This project aims to develop rural, affordable cohousing projects in the southern Albany County hilltowns and beyond. In the tradition of cohousing in Europe, and, increasingly, the United States, infill development in rural villages addresses a number of social and economic challenges. Many rural villages have lost population, as housing stock and infrastructure in villages has aged without substantial revitalization, and there has been only tepid support for making our villages attractive to a broader population. Throughout the United States, we face a steep drop in rural affordable housing stock.

Cohousing, and in particular cohousing with a focus on sustainability, offers one solution to remaking our villages with a new vision for community and resilience. It nurtures a spirit of community and collaboration, offers a better model for village living, and provides the opportunity for more households, of varying economic means, to realize a vision for human-scale development.

We are eager to develop cohousing as quickly as possible, leaning heavily on the many established models already in operation. To that end, anticipate finalizing design and location by Q1 2020, with final completion by Q42021.