
Towards Social Renewal

Today we live surrounded by crisis and conflicts that force almost unimaginable changes to the lives of millions of people across the world. The philosopher and social reformer Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) foresaw this situation 100 years ago, and sought to act as a catalyst for social transformation on a global scale, through re-balancing the relationship between three essential dimensions of human life, both on the individual and social levels, comprising the spheres of:

  • Culture that arises from our human spiritual awakening, which liberates us from the confines and distortions of our ego-centric consciousness; thereby reconnecting us with the creative source of every domain of human activity, including not only all the arts, but also law, science , technology, and the art of daily living;

  • Economy is the practical expression of our spiritually awakened human Culture, which manifests through the application of our individual creative abilities in service to one another[1]. The essential quality of authentic economy is fraternal interdependence, as each one produces for the others, whilst being reciprocally[5] provisioned by the creative output of the others. In an authentic economy, there is no dichotomy between the individual and society[2].

  • Governance that accords with the Golden Rule[3] of Higher Law, which ensures differential capacities are not transformed into despotic power relations. Every individual is unique, and the freedom to make their unique contribution benefits the whole, and therefore each and every element of the whole. Equality of all before the Golden Rule of Higher Law ensures that the greatest among us will always be the servant of us all[4]. Neither any individual, nor any corporate body of individuals (including the State), can absolve themselves from this eternal spiritual principle, and consequent temporal obligation, to uphold the Golden Rule. It is the precondition of legitimacy upon which all human legal-law depends[5].

This approach is known as social threefolding. The intention of this online Group forum is to engage people of initiative from all walks of life and backgrounds, both within and outside of the Anthroposophical movement, especially young people, who are interested to learn more about social threefolding, and to explore how social threefolding could help them with the initiatives they’re carrying, inspire them to get involved in existing initiatives or to pioneer new ones.

This initiative was launched as a result of the Social Renewal Conference 2017, the website of which is at: https://www.socialrenewal2017.org/
One outcome of the 2017 conference, is the unanimous decision by delegates and organisers to hold a follow-up conference on 17 November 2018. We have already booked the marvellously conducive venue of Dartington Hall - https://www.dartington.org/


[1] “Whichever gift each of you have received, use it in service to one another,
like good stewards dispensing the grace of God in its varied forms.” - The New Testament: 1 PETER 4:10

[2] "A healthy social life arises when the whole community finds its reflection in the mirror of each person's soul, and when the virtue of each person lives in the whole community." - Rudolf Steiner

[3] The Golden Rule (which can be considered a law of reciprocity in some religions) is the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated. It is a maxim of altruism that is found in many religions and cultures. The Golden Rule can be expressed as: "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.". - SOURCE: Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule

[4] Paraphrased from the New Testament: "The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." - Matthew 23:11-12

[5] In terms of authentic economy, the law of reciprocity (i.e. the Golden Rule), will reveal the true origin, nature and purpose of money. Suffice at this stage is to know that the Greek word for "money" is "law"; and that Aristotle said that money "... exists not by nature, but by law". The very word economy is derived from the ancient Greek words "oikos" (household) and "nomos" (law); meaning the law of the household as a social jurisdiction. Intuitively, most people would be appalled if law, in the form of our mutual rights and obligations, could be bought and sold in financial markets, and rented to us at a rate of compounding (exponential) interest. Does money belong to the domain of law, or to the domain of economy? That perhaps is the question which reveals what an authentic economy is; and how to heal the malady of the economy as we presently understand it.

schumacher on economics

[6] To learn more about the features and benefits of this Loomio platform, please consult: