
Dutch Caribbean Maritime Heritage Workgroup - Theme 3: Increasing Awareness

We welcome reactions on the threads/borden displayed further below!

General needs and wishes identified within this theme on 29 January:

A.    Creating awareness among general public that UCH is part of their society

B.    Creating the outlines of a media campaign

C.    Creating the context for continuity (resources and government support)

D.    Establishing a (three-phased) approach

E.    Targeting schools, diving centres and government officials

F.     Measuring impact of approach

Proposed objectives:

  • Exploring best practices in raising awareness

  • Listing ideas for raising awareness based on feasibility (e.g. taking into account capacity, costs)

  • Creating an overview of the required resources and government support for continuity

  • Creating an overview of the stakeholders per island per sector

  • Creating a timeframe