Fri 11 Oct 2013 7:29AM

User preferences and/or group preferences

CT Chris Taklis Public Seen by 88

I think it is time users have more preferences how they want to work...


activity chronology. for some they want it in that new order has activated and some as it was previously (reversed, new first and old are the last.)

Because both sides can't be satisfied, why not every user has the ability to choose what he/she wants for himself/herself???

Also more group preferences it will be better, because not all groups want the same.


Block. For some groups it is not useful and for some others want it, and/or want some more like strong agree.

Why not give the groups that option to disable or enable the settings they want???

I would give more examples like hide or show email, or something new could come to the future i don't know what, maybe badges or anything else... They are not all useful for the groups!


Deleted account Fri 11 Oct 2013 6:49PM

I fully agree!


Hemon Dey Fri 11 Oct 2013 8:59PM

Good idea!