Sun 9 Feb 2014 9:28PM

What are your top requested features and changes to Loomio?

AI Alanna Irving Public Seen by 225

Have a look at http://loomio.org/roadmap to see if your idea has already been suggested.


Tobias Eigen Tue 22 Apr 2014 3:12AM

I'd like to +1 @strypey request for import/export functionality. I'd love to see a model similar to wordpress where you can start quick and easy on loomio.org and then move to self-hosted as needs grow.


Tobias Eigen Tue 22 Apr 2014 2:25PM

As an aside here, maybe it exists elsewhere already so sorry if I am duplicating a discussion, but I'd like to ask: is there a way to do "make it happen" type campaigns to raise funds for specific features that the community wants? e.g. make a proposal, discuss what's involved in developing it, collect pledges, and then when the money is raised close it and add the feature to the backlog?

CiviCRM does something similar but in a long-handed way. There are discussions in their forums, then requirements definition on their wiki, and then finally they post a "make it happen" fundraising campaign. Usually it's led by one major project that pays for most of the funding but other users also pitch in until enough money is raised. Here's where the magic happens: https://civicrm.org/make-it-happen


Alanna Irving Tue 22 Apr 2014 9:45PM

It's a great idea @tobiaseigen - we're totally open to other people finding resources to help development along! It's just that here at HQ we don't have any capacity to coordinate and chase these kinds of opportunities right now. If you have a specific campaign in mind or some resourcing behind a feature you need, please talk to us and we'll try to work something out though!


Tobias Eigen Tue 22 Apr 2014 11:42PM

Thanks @alanna! I am liking your approach and it's been exciting getting to know you. I don't have any particular needs (or resources!) at the moment but am just trying to get my feet wet and understand your process so I can see where I might fit in and contribute.

Is there a roadmap up somewhere? Where is the code? I was not able to find these yet so forgive me if I am missing something obvious. :)


Alanna Irving Wed 23 Apr 2014 4:33AM

The code is here: http://github.com/loomio/loomio

We're in the process of developing a roadmap to deliver the promises we made in the crowdfunding campaign to deliver Loomio 1.0 later this year.


Deleted account Tue 29 Apr 2014 3:42PM

I'm looking forward to seeing the roadmap @alanna

Like @christaklis I wish that I could do more to help!


Michael Duane Mooring Wed 30 Apr 2014 11:09PM

To vote with Tweets/texts.
Imagine voting with tweets for open communities/campaigns.


João Marcello Ortega Wed 30 Apr 2014 11:32PM

I 'd like to suggest to add a customizable form field in the Create Account panel to insert an unique information.

The intention of this is to prevent people creating fake accounts that may affect the results of votation. Many people create fake Facebook profiles (and other social networks) to vote or just to write opinion anonymously. If we can define that form field as mandatory and the number of characters, we may ask his/her ID number or other document used in real life.


Rosie Thu 1 May 2014 11:18PM

Deeper social network integration. Especially in the way of being able to log in directly via Facebook (without e-mail verification), and notifying of Loomio activity via Facebook. (This would be useful to encourage members of a community group I help run, to partake in Loomio discussions.)


Michael Duane Mooring Fri 2 May 2014 3:30AM

@joshuavial +1 for API
@alanna, are there plans for this in Loomio 2.0? (along with some roadmap documentation).

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