Sun 28 Jan 2018 12:50PM

GA + BBQ 19th May 2018 (from old date 22th of April)

J Josse Public Seen by 35

At the piratelab, we were talking about organizing a GA in April (22nd of April would be a good idea, need to ask for availability). We would organize it in de Markten (like the New Year's brunch) in Brussels.

It is important however to have a clear agenda and process: the GA is not meant to endlessly amend stuff or to get stuff through where not enough emotional consensus exists, but rather to confirm legitimacy over the path we are following.

Of course, this does not mean that the more informal discussions during the GA can not help us forward.

We sometimes used difficult processes to determine agenda, .... Maybe most important is to install a 'freeze period' for the themes of at least 2 weeks before the GA (in case e.g points are too contesting).

Points that could be ripe: new website, removing everything from the statutes that everybody agrees does not make sense anymore, a simple repartition of money for the elections if there is no better one.


Josse Tue 22 May 2018 9:01PM

As I could not find back the wiki page for the GA immediately, best to put the little report here. Not many were present and there were no real discussions in the GA part itself. (<1h)

  • website: consensus over verhaal + ok voor flexibele "oplossingen"-gedeelte

  • voorstellen financiën (rekening ppbe)

    • voor gemeenteraadsverkiezingen: ok op basis van kostennota's (we denken toch geen grote onkosten te hebben -> indien > 500€ : loomio / omzend...) (geen problemen maken waar er geen zijn)
  • woordje GDPR (Christophe)

    • virtuele identiteit (gdpr -> bedrijven binnen 30 dagen)
    • bewustmaking
    • Oproep: vraag uw gegevens op!

- best klein affiches -> als we er iets opzetten: leesbaar

Donc en fr:
- site web: consensus pour la partie histoire (de "jusqu'aux organizations verticales/horizontales) + ok pour faire une partie solutions flexible
- propositions finances (les images sur le compte de ppbe)
- pour les élections communales: ok pour travailler à base de frais (on ne pense pas en avoir beaucoup en tout cas, si c'est plus de 500€ => Loomio) (on ne va pas faire de problème où il n'y en a pas)
- mot sur le GDPR (Christophe)
l'identité virtuelle (gdpr: les sociétés doivent répondre dans les 30 jours)
sensibiliser: demandez vos données!