Tue 22 Jul 2014 3:54PM

Community edited tag (or filter) list ?

K Kazhnuz Public Seen by 86

By seeing some of recent post, I've thinked about a concept that could be - I think - usefull for Diaspora user, especially beginner (or lazy people like me). This concept would be to be able to make the community create and edit some kind of "tags list" (or even some kind of "filter list" if we accept the proposition of letting people be able to chose word/tag filter in order to have a better control on their stream), that could be selected at the inscription or whenever they want to add/remove a list.

The tag list could be usefull at being some kind of "interest list", and would help people to get started in Diaspora. The newcomer, after having created his account, would see the choice of "interest lists" (with an option to see what tag are in said lists, of course), and will for instance select a "sport list", an "linux list", a "rock list", etc... All the tags contained is those lists would be added to his tag following list, and it would help to be directly "in the flow". I think with such a concept, newcomer will feel more "welcomed" in the community.

( What could be done with the filter concept ?
- Spam list ? A list of commonly used word by spammers.
- A list of filter for those who don't want to see NSFW/mature contents. )

I would be up to the community to create such lists, and would help the Diaspora* Experiences to be more user friendly, and make the community able to create the tool to better themself their diaspora experiences. It would be a totally facultative way to make the experience more friendly, without taking out any fonctionallity.


Juan Santiago Wed 23 Jul 2014 7:00PM

Some time ago, I think to present a proposal like this, I commented here because I think a complementary proposal or part of this.

Is a little improvement Diaspora *search engine

1) can search a combination of tags, eg + #nature #photo
2) can search users combining by tags, eg: [email protected] + #palestine

According to the proposal @kazhnuz


goob Wed 23 Jul 2014 9:55PM

@juansantiago, that's a part of this proposal. Feel free to add your comments there.