
Reasons I've had to switch back to Loomio v1

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 112

Daymn Loomio v2 is glorious on the whole.
You know it's a big step forward when the switch makes you go 'aaaahhh. The future. Yum.' which I get a little bit every time I switch, but there are a couple of issues

  1. just wasted ages trying to embed a (fit to screen width) image into a subgroup description. Gah. Switched to v1 and sure enough it was easy peas.

    • however - it added shit loads of <br> wherever there was a line break. Grr. Took me ages to delete all of those - turns out I just needed to drag & drop (or copy-paste into the editor) Beautiful!

  2. Tags - I can't seem to delete tags in v2??


Luke Flegg Sun 3 Nov 2019 7:53PM

Templates sounds amaaazing.

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Robert Guthrie Mon 4 Nov 2019 11:29AM

Ya, I think you should run this with a poll. There's really nothing holding you back from doing what you want.