Thu 6 Jul 2017 6:44PM

Who wants to work on an open ecosystem of digital tools ?

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Summary of the thread

We are going to make a video conference about WHY, WHAT and HOW we are gonna build this open app ecosystem ?
Things you can do to contribute :
* Please answer the form just at the right side if the page to let us know when you are available for the meeting.
* Here is the google doc of the agenda of the meeting
* Here is the folder in google drive that contains every important documents

Originial thread

Who wants to work in the creation of an ecosystem of open source inter-connected applications to run our open projects ? Or who works already for that happening ?

Open project

An open project is a project to whom we can contribute even if we are not part of the project.


That means :
* when you put information into one app which could be usefull for another one, the information is duplicated.
* You can easily move to one app to another thanks to a menu in the top bar.
* the apps used by a project are easily accessible by a top menu.


I run a project with the objective "create a democratic school in New York". I will need digital tools to run it. I just need to go on our ecosystem, and tick all the apps I need.

Now everyone can see WHAT I want to do, WHY I want to do it, and HOW I will do it. It's geolocalized so anyone near me can see my project and contrib So anyone can contribute to this project by using the same apps that I created.

Moreover, I can see all the documentation I need in a wiki written by persons with similar projects in the world.

I can easily get in touch with all the persons in my city who want to create democratic school to work with them. And all the persons in the world with the same kind of project to help each other.

The actions that we do and need to do are visible by everyone, so anyone can help us.

We adopted a method based on action, without any hierarchy. So it's really easy to contribute. If you want to do it, just do it, if you need advise about something, just ask, no one will blame you for your mistakes, so test things out !

Do you want to help us ?

If you want to help us, you can come here : https://chat.lescommuns.org/channel/open.apps.ecosystem

If you have question you can ask me here or on the chat, as you wish !

Hope we can work together !


Draft Sun 16 Jul 2017 1:44PM

Likewise - great to hear from Edward, I think there is consensus building around the need for API work...

I do think this is the best way to interoperate platforms !

I am continuing my outreach and am keen to find more collaborators who would be interested in pursuing CTA v2, with the goal of developing an "open app ecosystem".

I'm in :D
Let's do it in one year, let's say beginning of July in Cuba ! :D

it will be necessary to go back to basic and start by thinking about governance and social structure, since the values of any tech we build are going to mirror the values of the people that build it... and without some deep, shared vision, values and purpose we may fail.

I disagree with that. I would even say the contrary. I'd love to work with people without the same way of thinking, it makes me evolve so much !
I'm currently working on the taxonomy of the ecosystem, and a method to make it resilient. I can tell you about my work !


Tiberius Brastaviceanu Fri 14 Jul 2017 5:37PM

Don't know the details about why this failed. But the question why IT infrastructure development fails is a broad and complex one.

From my experience, one important success factor for IT infrastructure development is to be embedded in a community of practice. The software needs to come from people who are actually doing the real activity on the ground, and I am not talking about programming as activity, I am talking about all the other activities. Software is just a tool, and the community of practice will shape it and use it if it is useful.

Governance and culture are created within the community of practice. They don't come before the community. Governance is also a tool as much as IT infrastructures and methodologies of work. Culture is a set of incarnated values and norms (habits) that make this community of practice operate smoothly.

At the button of everything we have a bunch of individuals who are doing something together and adopt ways to do what they do better, and that includes adopt rules, methods, tools, i.e. build an organisation.

The problem today is that we have a class of devs/programmers who think code comes first and society follows. Disruptive technology creates new possibilities and people figure out how to materialise and benefit from these possibilities and that leads to social change. But incremental technology usually comes in response to a need that people express while doing something. The process must be a pull not a push. But sice there are a lot of programmers around looking for their opportunity to fame or make it big, they dream software applications that respond to imaginary needs and imaginary users. Can't blame them, their passion is to write code and like anyone else they look for validation and recognition. The problem is in the divide between programmers, who meet on platforms like Github and form their tribes, and the practitioners who are busy with real world problems and congregate in other places.

Fortunately, there are programers who work closely with practitioners and understand the powerful symbiosis between themselves and practitioners. I had the chance to meet one, Bob Haugen, who the first thing he told me was that he was looking for a community doing real world work to develop software along with it. I know others like Bob, but on the other side, we have such a massive waste of brainpower developing applications from imagination, from surveys and discussions and opinions, detached from reality which has infinite granularity and diversity, applications that no one will use. I guess this nonsense activity is similar to playing computer games, one needs to give himself challenges and get excited when the computer finaly does what he wanted it to do, yeey, victory. It's cool to have fun, as long as we know we're just having fun. But having fun with the impression of working hard for a cause is a bit wired... and I know a bunch of programmers caught/hooked into their virtual world to obsessively solve a mathematical or programming problem or find a more elegant solution, just fornthe sake of it, because it is intellectualy beautifull or exciting, thinking that they are actually doing service to society. We need to worry about this behaviour. As a practitioner, I try to stay away from this type of programmers, because they will pull you in their direction just because that's what they like to work on, this is where they find their challenges, because they are driven mostly by the kick they get out of it, less by the goals of the community of practitioners. Again, it' good to have fun, as long as we are able to distinguish between when we have fun and when we are actually doing something useful with others.

So I think this is the major cause for software development projects failure. They are detached from practice, for different reasons.

I hope some devs/programmers are reading.


Bob Haugen Fri 14 Jul 2017 5:51PM

I really appreciate Tibi's kind words, and I totally agree with his advice, but I made a lot of mistakes on Sensorica's software project. Trying to learn how to do it better in the next set of projects...


Draft Sun 16 Jul 2017 5:18PM

but on the other side, we have such a massive waste of brainpower developing applications from imagination

I agree on what you say :) Let's not work with them ! And if our methods and tools work. They will possibly come to us afterwards !


Tiberius Brastaviceanu Mon 17 Jul 2017 1:38AM

I could help with the structuring of this project and build into it support activities such as mapping, outreach, project management and Governance, crowdfunding, ...


Mikey Mon 17 Jul 2017 5:55AM

hey all!

i'm still working on an open ecosystem of digital tools at:



Bob Haugen Mon 17 Jul 2017 11:33AM

This is a project that was started as a collaboration between people from Mikorizal (NRP), Fair Coop, GoPacifia, and Matrioshka (a spinoff from Sensorica):
Some of those people have stayed active, some have not. The current work is going on in

The ultimate goal is a a set of software lego blocks for assembling economic network systems. That is where @lynnfoster and I are mostly focused these days, along with continuing work on these older projects:
* NRP (Network Resource Planning): https://github.com/valnet/valuenetwork, currently in active use by Sensorica and Learn Deep. Not sure about Matrioshka...(@tiberiusbrastavice ?)
* OCP (Freedom Coop's Open Collaborative Platform): https://github.com/FreedomCoop/valuenetwork/

I am also playing around with the Value Flows Vocabulator:


Tibor Katelbach Mon 17 Jul 2017 12:24PM

Hi Bob and all
There was a great effort in trying to interconnect and interoperate all these platforms and communities. Easier said than done , it might be a good time to get together again , on our side we've just released the new version of communecter.org
and have a few new features around interoperabilty developped.
@bobhaugen @lynnfoster @ishanshapiro @elfpavlik @tiberiusbrastavice, every one shall we try to meetup to share ou activties ?


Lynn Foster Mon 17 Jul 2017 12:41PM

Hey @tiborkatelbach and @ahdinosaur great to hear from you both!! Yes it was easier said than done, but maybe the time is getting more ripe, who knows?

Tibor, I'd be interested in what interoperability features you have developed in the latest Communecter.

And I'd be very interested in a gathering to see where we are and where we might want to go together or in smaller collaborations or whatever.


Tibor Katelbach Mon 17 Jul 2017 6:06PM

I know it's the Big G, but I'd propose a Google Hangout so we can record and publish easily for anyone who wants to follow asynchronisly

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