Sat 26 Nov 2016 4:23AM

On Behalf of the ASC i move to create an Administrative Branch

DK Dakota Kaiser Public Seen by 245

I move to create an administrative branch of the ASC.
-Any member over 1000 governance shares may join.
-All Report Evaluations, the Distribution of Governance and Resource Shares for finalized reports, and task impact award rates are delegated to the administrative branch.
-This Sub-Collective makes decisions by 91% consent. This cannot be changed by the administrative branch.
-Every member of this collective has exactly one governance share. This cannot be changed by the administrative branch.
-Every month on the 1st the administrative branch is audited by the ASC.
-After awarding 3000 governance or 10000 resource shares in a single month the administration branch is audited by the ASC
-The ASC may not award more then 3000 governance and 10000 resource shares without being audited.


Raymond Powell Sun 27 Nov 2016 4:17AM
