Mon 9 Nov 2015 7:04PM

Community update on Community / November Ed.

JI Jocelyn Ibarra Public Seen by 475

Well that's what I get for not familiarizing with a new platform UX before acting. Sorry for the extra emails!

Dear Connectors, hi!

It’s been a bit since a Community update, yet the themes in development were (and are) full of curiosity and in need of exploration, that I decided to take honest time to really dig into them before stating an opinion (let alone proposing actions).

For the interested, the main themes in development are:
* Co-creation (original content, new systems, new language) in third spaces.
* Distribution (transference) of roles in decentralization processes.
* Distributed networks, and the interconnection of its nodes.

Over the past four months, essential topics related to the coordination of our community have resurfaced after our decision to make changes to our organization.

Since November is a big month for a lot of us, and a lot of you will spend time together in real life, we’re taking the opportunity to open a conversation with some items that need your help to turn into actionable items, so please take a close look at this and comment :)

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There are three main questions repeatedly being asked in/between communities, teams, members (new and Sr.), and sister organizations, which I’m opening for discussion:

1. “What should we do with the Connector and Welcoming processes?” Related questions:
* Is the current process, with the 333 rule, still relevant?
* Is it necessary to become a Connector in order to participate in OuiShare activities? (It used to be that we measured commitment, engagement and formality by becoming a Connector. Does this still matter now that we’re acting as a network as well?)
* How can Connectors become more autonomous to make these decisions? (i.e. how can we support each other to get the necessary tools to make these decisions?)

2. “What should we do about anyone new approaching OuiShare?" Related:
* What should be the new welcoming process? If it’s to be done in a distributed manner, what should remain the same, so we offer global connections as much as local or topical?
* It used to be that the options we gave were to join a team, a project, become a Connector, or become a member. What should be the updated options?
* If each community or team is more independent now, and is crafting options based on local (or topical) realities, how can we tell each other about our findings?

3. “What roadblocks do you, as a Connector, have, which is preventing you from having the best experience you could be having in OuiShare?”
This question is mostly coming from myself, because I’m interested in your individual needs **and
in our joint adventure: emphasis in the separation (and allowance) of individual needs and joint adventures.

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Here’s how I propose we get to some answers

1. You can think about this subject for up to 2 weeks, and reply:
* Here
* Through a private message, if that’s what you prefer ([email protected])
* In this trello board, in the corresponding card (or make a new one)

By the way, I’m proposing 2 weeks because that seems to be an average time to get thoughtful answers from busy people these months, yet what I'm really interested is in making the time to propose and answer thoughtfully. Ideation is very important at this point, because Community now is made of ideas to solve old problems, but OuiShare's shape changed over the past 3 months, and this project is about accommodating to those changes.

2. I can be in charge of coordinating answers or ideas, and to design the interconnections to create actions together during the first week of December.
Based on how we do with this round, we’ll find out who amongst you is interested in distributing the concept of community and welcoming, and which other actionable items should be created.

3. First actionable item I propose: restart community hangouts every month, or bi-monthly at least for December and January.

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A note on availability:
I’m going to be rather unavailable to work in real time (ie sprints et al) from Nov 11 to Nov 30th, but I will be very available for conversing and explaining.
The better news: I’ll be in Scandinavia during that period, so playing with time zones won’t be necessary for a bit. Yay.

Speak soon, love and hangouts,
Joss :*


Francesca Tue 8 Dec 2015 11:43AM

I fully agree Maud that we need to improve some of the formulation of the process on the wiki and be more precise about who is supposed to lead the process. I guess it was not clear, so I will propose a formulation that is hopefully more clear.

In terms of modifying the process, I do agree that the 3 month kick-off phase for instance is not fully working and is often skipped because people have already been involved for a while, however I would suggest that we wait for further modifications of the process until we have put in place the new membership information access I propose, and used it for a few months, because I suspect that this change may affect behavior overall and require other changes to the process, which we cannot anticipate now. Does that seem ok?

Thus I would say: Make the first change to membership information access, and then in 3 months (so at the summit!) review the Connectors process based on our experience after this change.

Regarding your second point, I can only say the same as Joss: this would be great to have, but it's a lot of work, so it would be needed to be funded, by participatory budget or other.


Maud Tue 8 Dec 2015 8:11PM

thanks @jocelynibarra and @francesca for your answers. If you need feedback on the formulation of the process and the "who" thing, happy to help you on that. I also agree on your second point Fran about not changing everything all together and learning from our experience at the summit.
Concerning the second point, yes I was just wondering if it seemed important just to me or if other persons feel the same way. I agree it's a lot of work for someone who know how to get and analyse data (not my speciality either!) and that should be funded somehow. Let's keep it in mind and see if anyone reacts on that need.


Angelo Meuleman Thu 10 Dec 2015 4:08PM

I really agree to change the process to integrate new connectors. My experience here in Flanders is that I didn't succeed to involve two interested connectors, because of the complexity of the process


Jocelyn Ibarra Fri 11 Dec 2015 3:21PM

Angelo, the motion is actually to leave the process as is for now; revise at the summit.

If you're speaking about Lieven and Thomas, we need to chat, because they need supporting-sponsoring connectors to be able to make it, and I can't do it alone: we've been needing you!
Find me via email if you wish? [email protected] ( [email protected] )


Angelo Meuleman Mon 14 Dec 2015 8:02PM

jocelyn, thanks for your reaction. I'll contact you soon. regards, angelo


Maud Tue 22 Dec 2015 9:08AM

@francesca thanks for opening the access! It would be great to plan a "public" update on that to inform the whole community? :-)


Jocelyn Ibarra Tue 22 Dec 2015 1:46PM

Maud, can you be more clear as to what you mean with "public" (including the " ") ?


Maud Wed 23 Dec 2015 8:01AM

I meant informing our communities through our community channels (facebook community groups and newsletter), which is half public.


Jocelyn Ibarra Sat 26 Dec 2015 10:46PM

@maud1 Definitely. We've done one HO to discuss the rest of the Needs and To-dos, which I'm in the process of doing.
I have to close 2015 in a few days, so I'll make a Loomio post once that's finalized.
Thank you for the reaction, Maud.


Alanna Irving Sat 2 Jan 2016 4:15AM

As a beneficiary of this change (I'm not a connector but have been invited into this group now), I want to say thanks to everyone for all the work and thinking that went into this decision, and the development of all the processes before that. It's very interesting to see OuiShare evolve in ways that resonate a lot with how we work at Enspiral, but are also different and unique to this community.

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