Mon 9 Nov 2015 7:04PM

Community update on Community / November Ed.

JI Jocelyn Ibarra Public Seen by 475

Well that's what I get for not familiarizing with a new platform UX before acting. Sorry for the extra emails!

Dear Connectors, hi!

It’s been a bit since a Community update, yet the themes in development were (and are) full of curiosity and in need of exploration, that I decided to take honest time to really dig into them before stating an opinion (let alone proposing actions).

For the interested, the main themes in development are:
* Co-creation (original content, new systems, new language) in third spaces.
* Distribution (transference) of roles in decentralization processes.
* Distributed networks, and the interconnection of its nodes.

Over the past four months, essential topics related to the coordination of our community have resurfaced after our decision to make changes to our organization.

Since November is a big month for a lot of us, and a lot of you will spend time together in real life, we’re taking the opportunity to open a conversation with some items that need your help to turn into actionable items, so please take a close look at this and comment :)

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There are three main questions repeatedly being asked in/between communities, teams, members (new and Sr.), and sister organizations, which I’m opening for discussion:

1. “What should we do with the Connector and Welcoming processes?” Related questions:
* Is the current process, with the 333 rule, still relevant?
* Is it necessary to become a Connector in order to participate in OuiShare activities? (It used to be that we measured commitment, engagement and formality by becoming a Connector. Does this still matter now that we’re acting as a network as well?)
* How can Connectors become more autonomous to make these decisions? (i.e. how can we support each other to get the necessary tools to make these decisions?)

2. “What should we do about anyone new approaching OuiShare?" Related:
* What should be the new welcoming process? If it’s to be done in a distributed manner, what should remain the same, so we offer global connections as much as local or topical?
* It used to be that the options we gave were to join a team, a project, become a Connector, or become a member. What should be the updated options?
* If each community or team is more independent now, and is crafting options based on local (or topical) realities, how can we tell each other about our findings?

3. “What roadblocks do you, as a Connector, have, which is preventing you from having the best experience you could be having in OuiShare?”
This question is mostly coming from myself, because I’m interested in your individual needs **and
in our joint adventure: emphasis in the separation (and allowance) of individual needs and joint adventures.

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Here’s how I propose we get to some answers

1. You can think about this subject for up to 2 weeks, and reply:
* Here
* Through a private message, if that’s what you prefer ([email protected])
* In this trello board, in the corresponding card (or make a new one)

By the way, I’m proposing 2 weeks because that seems to be an average time to get thoughtful answers from busy people these months, yet what I'm really interested is in making the time to propose and answer thoughtfully. Ideation is very important at this point, because Community now is made of ideas to solve old problems, but OuiShare's shape changed over the past 3 months, and this project is about accommodating to those changes.

2. I can be in charge of coordinating answers or ideas, and to design the interconnections to create actions together during the first week of December.
Based on how we do with this round, we’ll find out who amongst you is interested in distributing the concept of community and welcoming, and which other actionable items should be created.

3. First actionable item I propose: restart community hangouts every month, or bi-monthly at least for December and January.

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A note on availability:
I’m going to be rather unavailable to work in real time (ie sprints et al) from Nov 11 to Nov 30th, but I will be very available for conversing and explaining.
The better news: I’ll be in Scandinavia during that period, so playing with time zones won’t be necessary for a bit. Yay.

Speak soon, love and hangouts,
Joss :*


Ana Wed 9 Dec 2015 2:04PM

this sounds very interesting to explore :)


Joachim Lohkamp Sat 28 Nov 2015 2:10PM

this is an excellent discussion and I'm glad that it takes place. I personally was not sure if the 333 is still in place, and I also couldn't find it - because there is no search for that. And to find information if you don't know or forgot where it was is hard. So thx Fran for helping me out :)
Tal approached me because he would like to become a connector. What I did was, I encouraged him, answered his questions (as good as I could, mainly based on my own experience), but I was not sure if the 333 guidelines are still in place. In Tal's case he wants to build with a few other people the Ouishare community in Israel. So i told him that he finds himself already in the middle of the process of becoming a connector. We skipped, I told him about our Summits and many more little or bigger things. What I realized was that Tal was looking for someone to interact with, to connect with, and I felt that this is a critical role to be filled in itself. I remember that until today Fran is kind of my "contact" or "mentor" when it comes to asking question about Ouishare - and sorry for bothering you all the time Fran ;)
But actually I find it a very important process. And I personally like to help and support a new friend like Tal to become a connector. It is a lot about personal availability and interaction to onboard a connector I think - independent of what (s)he is doing to become a connector.
And this leads me to the next point: the various ways to become a connector. I would see the Connector as a role - a mutually inclusive rather than exclusive role. Again taking myself as an example I started by volunteering at Ouishare Fest and organizing the Agora part of the Summit in Berlin.
Then I started to organise GETD, becoming a track leader for the last OS Fest, being involved in the Backfeed experiment and now applying for becoming a member of the next OS Fest curation team. So what I want to say is: I have quite a few roles, and I'm not sure if putting everything under the umbrella of the Connector is really helpful simply because it becomes less clear what a Connector does.
Sam points to the process of being a Connector focused on community work/building towards becoming a project person or maker. And again I don't feel that we cannot or should not cover multiple roles - in the contrary - roles should be flexible and driven by e.g. motivation, need, responsibility, accountability, etc. So why not have a role of contributor (maybe another word is needed), maker, connector. When I act as a Connector I want to serve the community, connect people, connect people with knowledge and awareness. When I organise a GETD I'm acting as a connector but also as a maker/producer of the event. But I decided clearly to be not a contributor during the events.
So a question would be will it help people to have more roles - to identify/position themselves and be better recognised for what they are actually doing? Could this help also in terms of accountability?
And then last and for me really important is: community building is a personal process that involves connecting, bonding and belonging all part of a dynamic process. So we need interaction to share knowledge and we need also common language/understanding/awareness of what we are doing, which roles we are taking on, so we can communicate clearly.
Unclear communication can lead easily to a conflict of motivations vs expectations.
I hope that this somehow adds sense to this discussion and to the community development process.


Poll Created Fri 4 Dec 2015 11:00AM

Keep the Connectors process as is but change access to communication channels Closed Mon 14 Dec 2015 10:07PM

From seeing the requests in the past year for becoming a Connector, it seems that the main barrier to involvement of people (and why they want to become a Connector) is not having access to communication channels like our loomio, the full slack, google drive etc.

Therefore I suggest to keep the Connectors process as is for now, but increase the amount of information that members have access to, and keep a small for sensitive information that is for Connectors only.

Concretely, I propose:
1) convert the current loomio into a general OuiShare Members Loomio, that can be joined up REQUEST, where we post 90 % of all information. Just like the current sub-groups for France and Germany, create a sub-loomio for Connectors only, where we put sensitive partnership information, validate budgets, do the participatory budgeting and make sensitive brand use decisions - so all discussions where the vote of a Connector really counts (since everyone will be able to vote on the general one).

Since we don't want this to become a group of annonymous people, create one thread in loomio where every new person who joins is introduced. The person who accepts the request to join loomio is responsible for introducing them!

All Connectors, but connectors only, get admin rights for the general Loomio.

2) Give highly active members access to slack as full members if necessary, and thus change the main channel to be "all-members". You can now create groups in Slack, so we can create a group "Connectors" to be able to only ping this group.

3) Make 90 % of the google drive accessible to anyone, and simply make the finance folder separate and only give Connectors access.


Results Option % of points Voters
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  

23 of 226 people have participated (10%)


Jocelyn Ibarra
Sat 5 Dec 2015 6:12PM

Hey team, thanks for voting & joining us in this thread.

Before closing, I think this shouldn't go unnoticed:
Fran deserves special thanks for being my everlasting mirror; concrete & fantastic so everyone understands ideas, and so the path is clear


Mon 7 Dec 2015 9:16AM

And thank you to Jocelyn <3


Tue 8 Dec 2015 8:14PM

I agree as we will also have in parallel a reformulation (drafted by @francesca, happy to comment/help on it if needed) of the process to make roles and responsabilities clearer than their are today.


Myriam Bouré
Mon 14 Dec 2015 11:19AM

I'm sorry I didn't contribute, I was away for a month, but I really enjoyed the conversation, and I'm looking forward to the next summit to discuss the process altogether and try to answer some of those complex questions ;-)


Maud Mon 7 Dec 2015 10:53PM

@francesca and @jocelynibarra I like the proposition you made concerning access to tools! But I lack some informations of who is in charge of what in this proposition ? For exemple, who is in charge of introducing higly active members in slack ? And I'm not totally confortable with the first part of the proposition "Keep the connectors process as is" ? I don't mean we need to change it but I feel we need to be more specific (and clear) of which role is in charge of what in this process. For example, "Step 1: Future Connectors express their intent to start their 3-month take-off period, by choosing activities they want to be involved with. These intentions are shared among the Connectors group during the weekly global coordination updates;" : how do they express these intent ? what are those global coordination update and who is in ? Who share those intentions from FC? the "mentors" ? The community connector ? Who is in charge of keeping track of the timing?... I think updating the process with a cleared vision of who needs to do what when in the process could help when sometimes people fall in a loop in this process.


Maud Mon 7 Dec 2015 11:06PM

Another thought link to community, we don't know much of it. Is there any project somewhere to better know who we are ? some example how many people having a main job and OuiShare being just a side community / activity, how many people "using it" to have access to some jobs, networks, develop its professional connections, how many people active on one or more OuiShare projects... and having also some datas on the tools we have and their usage, how many people read and comment on loomio, how many people propose and facilitate discussions... that kind of indicators would be really nice to assess how distributed we are, and may also give inputs while working on projects or governance. What do you think ?


Jocelyn Ibarra Mon 7 Dec 2015 11:41PM

Hej hej @maud1
I'm working on a new flow (or system) to help us move after this discussion and the motion/decision; which I want to share late this week. Your questions are right on point, and they are meant to be addressed along others I, and other Connectors have, but a round of actions needs to exist after the questions from November, before we keep adding questions.
How fantastic, since I'm usually the one asking questions to no end jijjiij Thank you for thinking about this enough to point out improvements.

There's a higher narrative in your questions that I want to address right away, though: updating processes and systems should make things more clear, but, in my opinion, all the answers to "Who...?" should be answered with actions: whoever feels that a system could be improved, whoever knows a solution to a roadblock, whoever shows up, that is the person who should take care of things and go for it.

Of course there's the issue of peeps being paid for community work, but based on the budget decision made earlier this year, it all restarts in January, no? ( @francesca can give us a hand and clarify pls?).

Regarding your second comment– yeah, that'd be fantastic, but, to me, that's an activity made of analysis, time and reflection, and in my opinion, should be done by someone who knows what he/she is doing, and should be remunerated. I'm sure there's a few in this group who know more than I about it.
Thanks Maud!

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