Thu 29 Nov 2018 9:26AM

Encouraging organisations to share data

JN Jez Nicholson Public Seen by 205

Here is an example of how other organisations are encouraging data sharing in the UK. I'm not saying that we have to do the same....just that it is what we have to compete/work with.

The Ordnance Survey have a series of tutorials using RNLI data. The latest is with Tableau, including replacing the default OSM with OS Open Zoomstack vector tiles https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/blog/2018/11/tutorial-visualising-data-in-tableau-with-the-rnli/

The data itself is sourced from an ESRI Open Data Portal https://data-rnli.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/7dad2e58254345c08dfde737ec348166_0 that they've set up to help organisations to host their data [I believe] for free....and in the process make it available through their ArcGis Online platform.