
Add better spam controls

PP Pirate Praveen Public Seen by 72

I started getting spam comments on my posts and every time I have to remove many comments by the same user going to my profile.

Add an option to mark as spam when deleting. This should do the following,

  1. Remove all comments by the user
  2. Send a notification to podmin. a. podmin should be able to see all spam requests in one place and bulk remove all spam users.

In addition, automatic spam detection and notification would be even better. When a user is notified of spams, they should be aable to clear all spam in one place.


Pirate Praveen Thu 6 Feb 2014 7:50AM

Some discussion about it https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/1889434


Flaburgan Thu 6 Feb 2014 4:27PM

There is already an option on the develop branch to report a post to the podmin. Please see this issue

Another point is that the podmin should be able to delete a user easily, and that should delete the posts of this user too. Best of all, it should send the delete event to the federation to clean other pods.


Steffen van Bergerem Thu 6 Feb 2014 5:27PM

The biggest problem right now are spam comments. AFAIK we don't support remote deletion of comments so it would be great if the podmin could easily tell the pod of the original post to delete some comments and to tell everyone else to delete them.


goob Thu 6 Feb 2014 6:46PM

I'm pretty sure Maxwell did this with a spammer recently, and I've asked him how he did it, because if we can publicise it, perhaps on the wiki, it could really help podmins combat spam.


Jelle Langbroek Fri 7 Feb 2014 6:25PM

There is this great plus and minus system for comments on news articles used by http://tweakers.net. When there are crap posts/comments the community can simply tab "-1". If the overal score of the comment isn't equal to or more than 0, the post is hidden. You have to click 'a red bar' to open the -1 comment. Example here: http://tweakers.net/nieuws/94168/vodafone-verhoogt-downloadsnelheid-b+s+w-abonnementen-naar-14-komma-4mbit-s.html (scroll through the comments and see for yourself).

It's the busiest tech website in The Netherlands and I must say they've managed to keep their website and comments quite clean! It's a great way to involve the community and to unburden the podmins.


Jelle Langbroek Fri 7 Feb 2014 6:27PM

Sorry, the 'red bar' is actually just a bar where a red "-1" can be seen. You'll see :)


Jelle Langbroek Fri 7 Feb 2014 6:40PM

And to add something. Maybe, when a user gets 'a lot of' -1's the podmin has to be notified and must be able to easily remove a user.

This will prevent to much overhead for podmins when he/she has to check every user(spam)-notification that's made by the pod's users. -> For the podmin only gets mail when 'many' users have given posts from a certain user a "-1".


Jason Robinson Fri 7 Feb 2014 7:42PM

I say email verification - that would make it substantially more difficult to register spam bots.


Ryuno-Ki Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:50PM

Thanks for approving me to this group.

One thing, a German user bring to my attention is this problem:

What if a spammer creates an own pod, set up some bots and flooding the rest of the network from this pod? As podmin, he could exclude everyone else (maybe except the users he's annoying) from deleting the spam comments …

As countermeasure, podmins could grant some trusted community members the right to help removing spam comments as proposed here: https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/1889434

Marek tried to define some filters which could apply to users marked by the community as spammer: https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/1800498

This way, a podmin would have a little less burden to carry.

Last bullet by me: I've discussed with Faldrian a bit in German: https://pod.geraspora.de/posts/1875934
The idea is to take the current spam waves to define some heuristics to determine the spam comments. Of course, this would be always behind the wave, but could somewhat automate the process …

On the other hand, continuosly self-rewriting code seems to be the next big thing (?) http://news.thefirefoxos.org/2014/01/27/ex-google-mozilla-bods-to-outwit-evil-bots-with-polymorphic-defence/


Steffen van Bergerem Tue 11 Feb 2014 12:12AM

@ryunoki AFAIK the post authors pod is responsible for distributing/deleting comments. A bad podmin could be a problem but he can't prevent others from deleting his comments. Nevertheless we could think about an easy way for podmins to ignore accounts or pods.

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