
OpenID Connect : which claims to communicate ?

DU Deleted account Public Seen by 26

This represent a questionning that concerns me since a few days. The implementation of OpenID Connect is currently going on and I'm starting to ask myself which data on the user diaspora should communicate and which it shouldn't during a connection procedure with OIDC.

OIDC specifies a lot of claims. Whil most of them are not even know by diaspora, some of them could be given by it during a connection procedure like the profile picture or the email address.

Then, the question is: which of them can be given and which must stay private?

The following claims are potentially know by diaspora:

  • name (full name and surname),
  • given_name (basically, first name),
  • family_name (surname),
  • nickname,
  • profile (basically, should be diaspora's profile page of the user),
  • picture (user's avatar),
  • email,
  • gender,
  • birthdate,
  • zoneinfo (time zone),
  • updated_at (time of profile's lat update).

IMHO, at least the followinf must stay secret:

  • name (full name and surname),
  • given_name (basically, first name),
  • family_name (surname),
  • gender,
  • birthdate,
  • updated_at (time of profile's lat update).

This leaves the following informations to be potentially public during an OIDC connection procedure:

  • nickname,
  • profile (basically, should be diaspora's profile page of the user),
  • picture (user's avatar),
  • email,
  • zoneinfo (time zone).

A solution could be to add a configuration page which lets the user choose what can be communicated about him.

IMHO, at least the username should stay public with the sub (the user's unique ID, i.e, the diaspora handle).

What do you all think about this?


Deleted account Sat 11 Jul 2015 8:14AM

I think I remember someone proposed to let the email be an optional field to subscribe. I don't rememer where.


Kent Shikama Fri 31 Jul 2015 8:13AM

I'm personally fine with allowing the email field to be passed through. However, until we seem to get a consensus here I'm going with the following for the "basic" profile: %w(sub nickname profile picture zoneinfo).