Thu 8 Jun 2017 7:58PM

Quarterly Project July-Sept2017

BP Brian Prangle Public Seen by 44

We've had no Quarterly Project this quarter. No-one's complained. Do you miss them? Do we still want to have these? If so what subject should we tackle?


Poll Created Mon 19 Jun 2017 9:07PM

Which should be the quarterly project? Closed Mon 26 Jun 2017 9:00PM


Results Option % of points Voters
Bus routes and station entrances 46.7% 7 DS SR CS PB L DB PO
Renewables and EV charging stations 33.3% 5 MW JN BP GW SM
Public art (statues, art and plaques) 20.0% 3 AB GMD IC

15 of 46 people have participated (32%)


Paul Oldham Mon 19 Jun 2017 9:22PM

Bus routes and station entrances

Although these are all valid projects bus routes and station entrances will, I think, benefit the most people.


Dan S Mon 19 Jun 2017 10:31PM

Bus routes and station entrances

concurring with Stuart's comment on usefulness of bus etc. Also would be keen on renewables mapping too, so this is a mild vote...


Paul Berry Tue 20 Jun 2017 8:07AM

Bus routes and station entrances

I'm already heavily involved in mapping bus routes.


Andrew Black Mon 19 Jun 2017 9:36PM

Public art (Statues, Art and Plaques)

Seems nicely outside for summer


Shaun McDonald Mon 19 Jun 2017 9:56PM

Knowing how frequently bus routes change, I'm not convinced mapping them is all that useful, added with the complexity of service patterns, such as series that only run on school days, or once a day/week there's a special service which uses the same route number buy goes somewhere else.

Station entrances and other detailed information to support bus routing, and the linking of stops to the route network is however useful.


Stuart Reynolds Mon 19 Jun 2017 10:18PM

That's surely just a question of framing the project correctly. So it is perfectly valid to leave off occasional services - school services, once-a-week shopper services, etc, and demand responsive "area" services almost have to be left off because they are unmappable as relations as they don't have a fixed route.

But none of that invalidates the need to improve the data. After all, one of the default layers on openstreetmap.org is a transport layer, and there are parts of the UK that are very, very poorly complete (my map happened to open on Grimsby just now, and there are one or two routes at most, and none when you get outside the town). Does partial data look partial, or does it make it look like there are no services to a place? In large towns, probably the former, but in smaller places it will be the latter and people could well be put off travelling as a result.

I would personally, as a member of the public, find improved transport maps a very useful addition.

I'm happy to put this back to a later project if people wish, so that I can get some ducks lined up in terms of visualisers, etc. But what I can offer is the open data Traveline National Data Set (TNDS), but at a point earlier in the process than the TNDS output because that strips out the route tracks at present. So I can provide routing data for the SE, EM and EA regions of traveline, and I can process the data to identify which are the frequent routes, compared to the once-a-day variations or even the occasional service. I'm working at providing a visualiser for this data.

As I said in a previous thread, the source data isn't perfect because it is automatically generated in many cases. But I also see this as a two-way street where both sets of data are improved - we have a starting position, we have sources that we can cross reference (operators and local authorities, although have to check usage terms if there are any), and we can map out on the street via survey. Best of all, once we have it up and running I can re-visualise the data each week and flag up changes. At least, that's the intention.



Gregory Marler (former Director) Fri 23 Jun 2017 12:18PM

The public art would be great for the "outdoor months".
We might be able to find lists, such as https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_United_Kingdom_Sustrans_Artwork that need locations found.


Stuart Reynolds Fri 23 Jun 2017 1:33PM

As an aside, I swear that when I woke up earlier in the week to the BBC news on Radio 3, they were announcing a £4m project to photograph public art and then release it as open data. But I can’t find any reference to it now, so I’m actually unsure if it is a thing, or just a figment of my imagination!


Jez Nicholson Fri 23 Jun 2017 1:40PM

As lead dev of openplaques.org ( http://openplaques.org ) I would gladly accept a slice of that 4 mill ;)