
Mental Health Submission Process

NL Nick Laurence Public Seen by 370

A space to discuss the upcoming submission to the Mental Health Review, share resources and documents, arrange times for meetings / Zoom calls, etc.


Nick Laurence Mon 14 May 2018 10:25PM

Okay I'm still working on the doc, but here is the link to draft v3. And here is the link for the Zoom call today: https://zoom.us/j/818680385


Brigid Maree O'Brien Mon 14 May 2018 10:59PM

Thanks Nick I actually did manage to add the Kinderman stuff late last night but that was to v2 and I think you must have started v3 before I’d done that. It doesn’t make a huge material difference actually from the perspective of mi dfulness as our primary focus. I’ve just had a brief skim through v3 - looking good although I’ll need you to explain social labs to me as I’m not sure I get it yet. Also this is way too long for a petition so I guess this zoom call will be about distilling into a few punchy points and paragraphs? Speak soon 😀


Nick Laurence Tue 15 May 2018 12:14AM

Here's a new doc for drafting an ActionStation petition on Mandate for Mindfulness: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15w0d0ep-KTFwGG1BFhR18H5K8-oMIk9_UFz2d8FQB3o/edit?usp=sharing


Brigid Maree O'Brien Wed 16 May 2018 7:15PM

Hi all just checking in where we’re at with this process. I’m unavailable until this afternoon now. Being a perfectionist and feeling really strongly on the issue we’re submitting on I’m trying to let go of wanting to spend lots of time perfecting it and making sure it reflects exactly what I think/feel! Bit it’s looking good and the value add of further tweaking in the big picture possibly quite low. One thing I did want to suggest is that rather than just talking about the pressures of a digital age we also say something on the increasing pace of CHANGE and uncertainty in the 21st century (climate change and other ecological threats, technological unemployment, artificial intelligence, which is unprecedented and leads to a feeling of loss of control and instability (speed wobbles). Such that in many ways mental dis-ease is a sane response to an increasingly crazy world. And that mindfulness provides a necessary antidote in these crazy times. I also noticed that Kyle McDonald did a press release around his petition which was picked up by stuff - an awesome way to promote this petition and what it represents. Could we do the same? Tash would October have energy to draft a press release? What do people think?


Nick Laurence Thu 17 May 2018 5:23AM

I think press release is a very good idea. I wonder if talking about the future threats would make it seem less pressing - the need for mindfulness is already there, it's not something we need to worry about for the future but something that is needed right now.


Nick Laurence Tue 15 May 2018 7:23AM

Okay, have more or less finished writing the final draft for the Mandate for Mindfulness doc, thanks for the contributions everyone! We're at 557 words currently.

Can you all have a look and see what you think? I think the easiest way to do the fine tuning-style editing required now would be to make suggestions on the doc, which can be done by switching to "suggesting" in the top righthand corner.


Brigid Maree O'Brien Tue 15 May 2018 11:07AM

Thanks so much Nick, great work. I've put in some tweaks - don't be alarmed by the amount of green lines, it's mainly cutting potentially unnecessary words to keep it short


Brigid Maree O'Brien Wed 16 May 2018 2:55AM

Hi everyone, just to let you know I've heard back from Prof Craig Hassad and he's happy to sign our online petition, although he doesn't have time to write a separate submission. He has also sent a lovely article summarising the benefits of mindfulness with evidence - attached. We could possibly tweak/enhance our draft based on this (although it's looking pretty good so far) or at least reference it. And Nick we cold possibly submit it as supplementary info with our broader submission piece.


Caroline Taylor Thu 17 May 2018 1:30AM

Hi everyone, I've had a go at adding in your point about increasing uncertainty and pace of change @brigidmareeobrien and I've had a final read. I'll also ask my partner to have a read of it (she used to be in public relations) for a sense test. Otherwise I think it's ready to go to Marianne if she's up for looking at it. Good idea about the press release - my partner and I might be able to have a go at one over the weekend - I'll check and get back to you.

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