Sat 14 Oct 2017 2:05PM

Accounting matters, for OurField Weston

GH Grahame Hunter Public Seen by 47

anything anyone wishes to discuss or review about the cash flow, or income statement and stakeholder balances for the OurField venture


Abby Rose Wed 1 Nov 2017 5:02PM

@abiaspen is the bank account sorted now? where are we on that?


Abby Rose Wed 1 Nov 2017 5:03PM

Thanks @grahamehunter this is super helpful breakdown and good to think about the financials of it from many different perspectives!


Alexandra Sexton Mon 6 Nov 2017 9:53AM

Thank you Grahame for these very helpful details, fully support opening a collective bank account if this is still being decided


Grahame Hunter Wed 8 Nov 2017 6:36PM

OurField Weston bank account

In order to hold the money belonging to the Weston field co-operative members, and to deal with the payments in and out in the next months (hulling, milling, shipping, selling etc) I will open a bank account for the co-operative. Initially, and until someone stands forward to become the Treasurer, John Cherry and I will be the joint names for the account.

Anyone leaving the cooperative will be paid out of this account, and new members will pay into it, so it will be very transparent what money is there for everyone to share and distribute as you decide.

__ This account is separate to any financial arrangements and funds held by the organisers for the OurField group. This is only for the Weston farming activities of the cooperative.__


Tony Allan Thu 9 Nov 2017 11:47AM

Dear Grahame
I am very pleased that you have opened a bank account. It is also good that you have noted that we need separate accounting arrangements for activities beyond the farm gate.
This could be a long intervention. I shall make it brief .
We have decided by vote to engage in processing and marketing beyond the farm gate without knowing whether we have the capacity to operate effectively. Effective operation will require many inputs, skills and networks.
I am not against such activity and proved this by offering to donate £100 towards beyond farm gate initiatives. I voted, however, to sell the 15 tonnes, although hoping that we might use some of the 15 tonnes as seed,
To get your attention I feel obliged to say that my continued participation in the OurField project depends on someone coming forward to take on the accounting and related financial responsibilities beyond the farm gate. I know this seems boring and unimaginative. But it is an essential change. I judge it to be so important that without such a new arrangement I would not want to continue as a co-investor.
I could make the case in more detail but I shall leave it there.
With deep respect and every good wish to all co-investors. Tony


Grahame Hunter Sat 11 Nov 2017 11:34AM

Tony, I shall be interested to see what co-operative members think on this topic.
perhaps loomio is not an ideal forum for this; and there may need to be some management structure in place for the cooperative; __ which may have to be a different set of people to the OurField organisers__ - who by definition (and perhaps unfortunately) are not members of the co-operative.


Abby Rose Mon 13 Nov 2017 10:24AM

Just to clarify @grahamehunter - we decided in the end that members of the organising group could invest and choose to be part of the co-investor group if they liked. @annielandless and I did choose to invest and so are both co-investors and organisers. The only person we decided wasn't allowed to be a co-organiser is you @grahamehunter as moderator and that is because we thought it important that the moderator is impartial as ultimately you are the person putting the proposals together based on what the collective say in discussions.


Grahame Hunter Mon 13 Nov 2017 12:49PM

oh good, I am glad that is clear. That seems to be the right arrangement then on membership.


Tony Allan Sun 12 Nov 2017 7:45AM

Dear Grahame
Very many thanks for responding. It would be very good to hear from other co-investors. I agree the Loomio platform may not be the ideal medium. But some preliminary ideas and suggestions could be generated if co-investors would comment. Again many thanks.


Grahame Hunter Sun 12 Nov 2017 5:46PM

I see, Tony, that you and I are having a lonely conversation.

After the 23 November meeting - which sadly I cannot attend as I am out of the country - I will put up a poll of how the Cooperative and John (who after all is key to the matter) may wish to go forward, eg raising issues of new members, leaving members, the extra hectares, finances, management, valuation of non financials such as soil fertility etc etc.

For now, I will try and nudge forward the group decision to hull /mill all the grain.

There is sufficient funds to meet all the present costs of bulk hulling /bulk milling, so your offer to raise the subscription towards costs beyond the farm gate is not currently on the table.


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