Fri 1 Jan 2016 10:05PM

Hello! Introduce yourselves!

ST Stacco Troncoso Public Seen by 215

Welcome to new members, we are glad to meet you virtually and pleased at your interest in joining our conversation. If you would, please do introduce yourselves (new members), the short notes you wrote when joining this group were all so interesting that we don't want others to miss out on the diverse stories and backgrounds of our newest members. Once again, welcome and as it's January 1, Happy New Year!


Jake Hansen Mon 9 May 2016 3:35PM

Ah, yes D-Cent, I read about that one as well. Unfortunately I cannot attend them. I will be at Campus Party in NL around the same time (http://nl.campus-party.org/). Yes, please let me know more about Peer Value when you have that. Sounds interesting.


Nathan Williams Mon 6 Jun 2016 10:54PM

Hello Everyone,

My name is Nathan, I work in the charity sector in Cardiff Wales. I am currently setting up a commons based community interest company that aims to support charities and community groups to adopt commons based solutions to sustainability.

I have a particular interest around commons and peer to peer licensing and how this intersects with the practice and ethics of community work.


Zarinah Agnew Mon 13 Jun 2016 5:44PM

Hi team,

I am Zarinah, I am from London, but have set down roots in San Francisco for the last few years. I am a scientist by day at UCSF. I am part of a network of intentional communities aimed at contributing and maintaining the commons with @jessykate. our theory of change is that by living together, we garner surplus time, money and space. With this extra we can contribute this to commons based projects. I personally aim for projects that aim for systemic change (as opposed to dealing with symptoms). We are interested in creating new systems, new types of culture and norms, new ways of living as tribes, ways to 'self valorise' and studying pro and antisocial behaviour within these communities.

Very happy to be part of this group so thank you :)


Paul B. Hartzog Tue 14 Jun 2016 4:21PM

Hi all

Paul B. Hartzog, one of the coiners of the word "panarchy," is an independent scholar and hacker, and has taught at the University of Michigan's School of Information. Recipient of an NSF IGERT to study complex systems, he has a Masters in Globalization and Environmental Politics from the University of Utah, and a Masters in Political Theory from the University of Michigan. His work on panarchy hybridizes political philosophy/economy, network culture, complex systems, and critical social theory.

Not sure how active I will be but I wanted to see what is going on here :-)


Bob Haugen Wed 15 Jun 2016 12:08PM

Hey @paulbhartzog - fancy meeting you here! I looked around and I don't see intros by me and Lynn Foster. How did that happen? We must be sleeping.

We are http://mikorizal.org which should sorta introduce us. We are old people who live in a canyon in the woods of southwest Wisconsin USA and work on software for what we have called "the next economy", although that phrase is becoming so popular these days, we should really change it to "mutual collaboration economy" (hat tip to Michel Bauwens for the new name).

This is our grand scheme for connecting all of the P2P-oriented projects in the world into such a new economic system.


Nicolas Stampf Mon 20 Jun 2016 12:35PM

Hi all,
thanks for the invitation @michelbauwens1 and the acceptance @staccotroncoso !

I'm working as a strength-based efficiency coach in a big french corporation, but have been interested in P2P (and Commons by rebound) recently.

I'm a firm believer that people should foster local, social, ecological and thriving relationships based on their strengths (I co-created the Labso at http://www.labso.org for that purpose: open-sourced down to earth facilitation techniques aimed at liberating people's powers and help them start rolling).

I'm also a tea drinker, systems thinker, esperanto speaker, efficiency seeker (because it makes people free to do other things), incredibly curious and academics although lover of down-to-earth practical things, wanabee permaculture gardener (in a garden or of minds) and paradox lover as well :P, oh and an IT engineer (by training, though that's quite history now :) )

I blog at http://blog.appreciatingsystems.com/ with overflows on @nicolasstampf (Twitter & Medium).


Richard D. Bartlett Thu 30 Jun 2016 9:56AM

Hi everyone! I've been in this group for a while but neglected to introduce myself.

I'm Rich from Aotearoa New Zealand, one of the cofounders of Loomio so I'm pretty tickled to host y'all here! :blush:

My background is in engineering, arts, activism, and now software, socialist entrepreneurship, cooperatives, and a tiny bit of organisational change stuff.

In addition to being a Loomion I'm also an Enspiral member, catalyst, ambassador, fairy blogmother...

I love Commons Transition! Great to be in this community. Thanks for hosting @staccotroncoso :heart:


Paul B. Hartzog Thu 30 Jun 2016 4:27PM

Welcome, Richard. What's the best way to connect to you outside of Loomio? (@richarddbartlett)


Stacco Troncoso Fri 1 Jul 2016 10:24AM

Oy, thanks to everyone for being here!!!


Richard D. Bartlett Thu 30 Jun 2016 9:29PM

richdecibels on Twitter or [email protected] ( [email protected] ) :)

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