Mon 9 Apr 2018 1:44PM


RVE Renaud Van Eeckhout Public Seen by 47
  • Pirate Codex

Pirates share knowledge. Information, education, knowledge and scientific findings are part of our shared cultural heritage and should be accessible to everyone. Pirates support an open share culture and free software, and a reform of copyright. On the other hand they respect also the work from the makers, and they are aware of the obstacles they encounter in the current system.

  • Values of the Pirate Party The share-culture

The Pirates see how the Internet among others has become a platform for fast, cheap share stuff. This sharing is done both in the real world (tools, vehicles, place to sleep, …) and in the digital world (video and audio clips, …).

The emerging circular share-economy offers opportunities for waste avoid, consume less and reduce our ecological footprint. In fablabs, maker spaces, pick farms and numerous communities build alternatives or hacks of global consumerism.

The access to knowledge, technology and culture is a fundamental civil right. The current legislation concerning intellectual property, copyright and patent however is blocking this access. The Pirates do not accept that large organizations abuse copyright patent in order to protect their own position and make a profit at the expense of the community. It is in the interest of the community to continue to build on the previous achievements in technology, science and art.

The Pirates recognize the importance of intellectual property for authors, artists, scientists or inventors: work and creativity they provide must be recognized and compensated. Pirates promote a curtailment of the copyright term (70 years after the death of the artist), in consultation with various representatives of the creative sector. In addition, the Pirates push forward the basic income as possible and investigate an alternative to the non-transparent artist status.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 6 Mar 2019 4:05PM

Is there any member of PPBe on the Discord channel for the SaveTheInternet actions? Will there be a protest in brussels or not? It's not referenced on this page (but I think it was earlier, wasn't it?). Can we add ourselves as organizers? Is there anyone who cares about copyright AND who has some time to invest in answering these questions?


Ilja Wed 6 Mar 2019 6:52PM

There was an event in Brussels on that page, but I don't see it any more either. I did make an external event on our wiki. The original event still has an FB page https://www.facebook.com/events/248501622762624/
So I guess the event in Brussels is still on


Ilja Wed 6 Mar 2019 7:07PM

I joined the room and now I'm overwhelmed o.O
How do people think this is better that IRC?? I don't even know where to start talking here :/ Anyhow, fuck this.

The march is in Brussels 17h which is already very late if I still need to get back to W-Vl. I like to go, but I either need a place to stay or a way to get back. I don't know where I can ask why it's not listed any more and I don't think we're the right people atm to organise something like that. I also don't know how to contact any of those people.

Is there anyone else planning on goin? Can I crash at someones place or something?


Ilja Wed 6 Mar 2019 7:18PM

Is there someone still on FB? I think best would be to just ask on that event page or smthng


Ilja Wed 6 Mar 2019 7:33PM

I left this on their contact page https://savetheinternet.info/contact


Hobbes Thu 7 Mar 2019 12:57PM

Ok, I just understood a bit of that discord, and tried to join the Belgian channel... which doesn't exist. There is Germany, Switzerland, Poland, France,... but no Belgium. From the general channel, maybe the Belgian activists got involved with something that SaveTheInternet wishes to avoid (just speculation). I'll try to contact the organizers on discord if I can find who they are.


Ilja Thu 7 Mar 2019 4:53PM

Reaction to my contact form

Hey Ilja,

indeed there was some complications with the host of the demonstration
in Brussels. The event will still start as planned and stated in the
Facebook event.

Kind Regards

Luca Stehle


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 6 Mar 2019 4:21PM

Also, feel free to spread wherever you can the link to this website Pledge2019.eu
- in french : https://pledge2019.eu/fr
- in flemish : https://pledge2019.eu/nl


Deleted account Thu 7 Mar 2019 6:40AM


Hobbes Thu 7 Mar 2019 12:59PM

I just get Dutch speaking politicians on that page, mainly nva or openvld, no way to choose the region and get French speaking ones... :-(

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