Tue 2 Aug 2016 8:51AM

Updating OuiShare Values

ED Elena Denaro Public Seen by 158

Hello everyone,

At the last OuiShare Summit in Badajoz, we started a conversation around our values, asking ourselves if they needed some updating.

We started with a little experiment, that we’d like you to do yourself:
* Write down, from memory, OuiShare’s 10 values (try not to take more than 1 or 2 mins on this).
* Check out what they are here.
* Did you get them right? Do the values still feel right?

When we did it at the summit, there was quite a bit of discrepancy, and we felt that, given how OuiShare has grown, and the developments in our narrative, we might want to update them.

Maud and I have been talking about this, but we don’t want to proceed unless there is the desire for this from the community.

So here is our ask to you: please vote, over the next 3 weeks, if you think we should start a process (which we will design to be as smooth as possible) to update our values, or not. Also, if you’d be interested in getting involved, then comment below!

Here is a doc that summarises some of the discussion and thinking from the Summit.

Happy summer in the meantime!!

Elena & Maud


Elena Denaro Fri 2 Sep 2016 11:24AM

Hey Joss, I'm not sure what you mean by 'linked to physical locations *first' - if you mean the idea of doing distributed workshops, it's simply a pragmatic way of doing part of the discussion in real life, but recognising that 1. we don't know when the next global summit will be, but it wont be this year, and 2. even at global summits not everyone can make it, especially those outside of europe. So the idea of distributed workshops, was to collate various conversations into a larger one... but maybe i got your point wrong.

Also, the idea would not be to re-write the values, but provide an opportunity to check in and tweak if people feel the need to. Even if the end is no change at all, if seems that with many new people in the community, there is a desire to check in on them, and probably more than change what they are, see how to best implement them - turning them more into actionable functions.


Jocelyn Ibarra Fri 2 Sep 2016 12:06PM

Holis! Elena, thank you very much for your reply.

I also considered –and proposed– to expand the actionable side of the
values; my question is not referring to how this could (nor should) happen, since I won't be part of it.

My question is related to the initial thought that made you propose this discussion: "Why have you chosen to consider a perspective in which values originate in a physical location, or that a discussion on values should start by where communities are"?

Another perspective to explore the OS culture today could have been "Which values are present in the work that a team has produced?", "What are the attributes and impact of ongoing projects?"
Projects and organisations, as we know well, are not totally dependent on physical location; in this sense, they are concepts, and so are values. Since OS has advanced to having available projects to study, and they can speak (be studied) for themselves, I can see that comparing /concept to concept/ would be easier than starting from what physical communities think about values, but you chose a different angle.
That's it. Your exploration is interesting to me because we both talk about culture often :)


Elena Denaro Fri 2 Sep 2016 12:09PM

Thanks for explaining Joss! now i get what you mean :)

I think you are right, that the project level is another really interesting one to consider... as it is indeed becoming increasingly an important unit of collective grouping within OuiShare. In all honesty, we hadn't thought about that - the location just seemed logical from a 'MRLF' perspective, and also that people do work on location basis still within OS. But maybe there is a way to integrate both levels. Would be keen to know what other people think.


Jocelyn Ibarra Fri 2 Sep 2016 12:29PM

Thank you for exploring my answer!

It's still a wonder to me that physical location is the ruler, but then: MPRL is a value and cognitive work isn't, so there's my answer :D

I don't want to turn my question into a conversation here because you are designing workshops to address these questions; things have moved on. My question just happened after validating this morning that the whole thing continued only from that perspective; I got too curious.

Thank you for expanding on this, Elena.



Maud Fri 9 Sep 2016 8:21AM

to @mahegoguillon @joachimlohkamp1 and anyone else interested, we created a slack channel for further discussion on "how" we do it, called #updating_our_values; feel free to join! I'll share there information about our call next week, which is on the 14th from 10 to 11 am Paris time. If you're joining, please confirm it to us on the slack channel; the call will be about drafting the survey, the idea is to come at the call with some written propositions about it :-)


Benjamin Tincq Wed 21 Sep 2016 1:48PM

Food for thought, really like the values set of Unreasonable Group: https://unreasonablegroup.com/our-values/


Inês Silva Thu 22 Sep 2016 1:45PM


Maud Fri 30 Sep 2016 8:25AM

Hello everybody! With the "update values" team, we drafted a nice survey, which is part 1 of our proposed process. Before sending it to everyone, we would like 3 volunteers from different language background to "test" it for us. Please answer in this loomio post or contact me on slack if you're volunteer to try our value survey :-)


Simone Cicero Fri 30 Sep 2016 12:29PM

I can test the italian!


Khushboo Balwani Fri 30 Sep 2016 11:48AM

Hi @maud1 and @eledenaro thanks for this work. I'll be happy to be a volunteer if you want to test the survey :) Let me know.

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