Tue 13 Sep 2016 4:48PM

DiEM25 Coordinating Committee -äänestys (deadline 18.9.)

AM Anton Moisseev Public Seen by 343

Members only -osiossa on avoinna äänestys CC-tiimin kokoonpanosta. Seuraavia henkilöitä ehdotetaan CC:hen.

Initial Coordinating Collective

These are the people we would like to invite to DiEM25's initial Coordinating Collective:

Yanis Varoufakis – Economist, former Greek finance minister and Member of the Hellenic Parliament, DiEM25 co-founder

Srecko Horvat – Croatian philosopher and political activist. He has published more than 10 books published in more than 15 languages, most recently "What Does Europe Want?" (co-written with Slavoj Žižek, Columbia University Press, 2014), "Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism" (Verso, 2015) and "The Radicality of Love" (Polity Press, 2015). He regularly publishes in Guardian, Al Jazeera and New York Times. He was one of the founders of the Subversive Festival. Together with Yanis Varoufakis, he co-founded DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement)

Lorenzo Marsili – Lorenzo Marsili is one of the initiators of DiEM25 and the co-founder of European Alternatives, a transnational organisation working since ten years to promote democracy in Europe. He is the initiator of the European Initiative for Media Pluralism, an international campaign demanding better protection for media freedom at European level. A long-time student of China, he initiated a multi-year arts exchange programme between cultural innovators in China, Brazil and Europe, Transnational Dialogues. He has previously worked in cultural journalism in London and was founding editor of Naked Punch magazine. He has degrees in philosophy, sociology and Chinese studies, and is an active commentator and public speaker.

Cristina Soler-Savini – Cristina was born in Rome in 1976. She lived, studied and worked in the Italian capital until the age of 26. She soon put her love of politics into practice by joining The Democrats of the Left. As a Socialist City Councillor (resigning in March 2015) she worked in the areas of culture, architecture, and the environment. She resigned from the Socialist Party on February 2016 and joined DiEM25 on 9th February. Currently working as a University Research Fellow in Paris.

Brian Eno – Musician and visual artist who influenced, and continues to influence, two generations in ways that transcend music and art. A political activist from his teens, Brian Eno was amongst the first signatories of DiEM25's Manifesto.

Noam Chomsky – MIT linguist, philosopher, dissector of the ways by which the media manufacture consent on behalf of the ruling classes to perpetuate exploitation, injustice and war.

Elif Shafak – Originating from Turkey and currently living in London and Istanbul, Elif Shafak is a best selling novelist. Her works resonate with a deep respect for the multiple layers Turkish culture, the spirituality that both islamism and commodification threaten to extinguish, a feminist passion for women's rights, and the constant struggle for authentic democracy in a diverse and tolerant Europe.

Vivienne Westwood – Fashion designer who always understood her artifacts to be 'spokes in the system', Vivienne Westwood has been at the forefront of a cultural revolution, blending politics, music and fashion. She has campaigned for many years against nuclear weapons, climate change and in defence of civil liberties.

Igor Stokfiszewski – Researcher, journalist and activist of Political Critique, an independent sociopolitical organisation operating within Poland and Ukraine.

Agnieszka Wiśniewska – Editor-in-chief of KrytykaPolityczna.pl, for six years she was coordinator of Political Critique’s Clubs’ activities. Activist, feminist, journalist and political comentator. Author of Henryka Krzywonos’ biography "Big Solidarity, small solidarity" (2010) and book about film director Małgorzata Szumowska "Cinema is a Survival School" (2012), co-author of children's book "Cooperation" (2013).

Zoe Gardner - Migrants and refugee rights campaigner, NGO worker, Another Europe is Possible organising committee member.

Thomas Seibert – Frankfurt/Germany, born 1957, philosopher, author, political activist. Works at the human rights- and relief organisation medico international. Speaker of the board of the 'Institut Solidarische Moderne', member of the scientific board of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Activist of the Interventionist Left.

Additionally, the following people should be Ex Officio members of the Coordinating Collective:

Judith Meyer – Volunteers Coordinator. Judith Meyer is a polyglot, computational linguist (MA) and author of several books on language-learning as well as online courses. She is a DiEM25 initiator and has many years of experience coordinating volunteers, first for Cantr.net, then TEJO, and now the Polyglot Gathering (annual international conference).

Luis Martín – Communications Coordinator. Luis Martín is a journalist and political scientist based in Spain, as well as a DiEM25 initiator.

Fotini Bakadima – Secretarial Coordinator. Fotini Bakadima holds degrees in History, International Relations and Musicology. Speaks 10 languages (Greek, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, German, Russian and Swedish) and is currently completing a fourth BA in Classics. She is also a DiEM25 initiator.

Xavier Soler – IT Coordinator. In IT since the Apple IIe, "Jack of all trades" IT engineer in a large company (website, security, trading-room). Personal thought: 4c65742773206368616e6765207468697320776f726c6420746f64617921


Anton Moisseev Tue 13 Sep 2016 4:57PM

Myös Advisor Panelin jäsenistä äänestetään samalla dediksellä (eli 18.9.). Seuraavia 28 henkilöä ehdotetaan DiEM25:n neuvonantajiksi.

Initial Advisory Panel

These are the people we would like to invite to DiEM25's initial Advisory Panel:

Franco "Bifo" Berardi

Slavoj Žižek

Saskia Sassen

Katja Kipping

Caroline Lucas

Walter Baier

Julian Assange

Sandro Mezzadra

Susan George

Danae Stratou

James K. Galbraith

Barbara Spinelli

Renata Ávila

John McDonnell

Jean Michel Jarre

Boris Buden

Berardo Carboni

Anthony Barnett

Rasmus Nordqvist

Nessa Childers

David McWilliams

Cecile Duflot

Marie Christine Vergiat

Ken Loach

Marcelo Expósito

Joseph Stiglitz

Ada Colau

Gerardo Pisarello


Tuulia Reponen Wed 21 Sep 2016 8:37AM

Ehdotetut henkilöt Coordinating Committeehen ja Advisory Paneliin menivät läpi. Prosentit ja luvut tarkentunevat tämän päivän kuluessa, mutta tälla haavaa ne ovat seuraavat:

CC - kyllä: 97.04%
CC - ei: 2.96%
CC - äänestysprosentti: 56.13%
Ääniä annettiin: 3619 kpl

AP - kyllä: 94.74%
AP - ei: 5.26%
AP - äänestysprosentti: 55.41%
Ääniä annettiin: 3575 kpl


Tuulia Reponen Wed 21 Sep 2016 8:38AM

Mitä mieltä olette tuloksista? Kävitkö äänestämässä, mitä ja miksi? Oliko äänestysprosessi mielestänne tarkoituksenmukaisesti järjestetty? Miten parantaisitte sitä? Sana on vapaa!


Lauri Snellman Wed 21 Sep 2016 7:25PM

En ehtinyt äänestämään (tunnus ei vielä aktivoitunut). Äänestys oli vähän läpihuutojuttu, olisi ollut parempi pitää nimitysprosessi. Näin käsittääkseni tehdään jatkossa.


Ville Saarinen Thu 22 Sep 2016 9:35PM

En ehtinyt perehtyä ja olla mukana antamassa palautetta valittavista foorumilla (jos sellaista oli edes tässä ensimmäisessä äänestyksessä mahdollista antaa). Jäin lisäksi kaipaamaan seuraavilta äänestyksiltä paremmin organisoitua tiedotusta + aitoa mahdollisuutta äänestää esim CC:n jäseniä annetuista ehdokkaista. Komppaan Lauria - tällaisenaan äänestys oli hieman läpihuutojuttu.