Tue 20 Nov 2018 6:11PM

Signposting the route for new data providers

JN Jez Nicholson Public Seen by 226

I read with interest the National Trust's very well-reasoned approach to a mapping pilot for adding data to OSM https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=64356 (now that I know that a forum even exists!). It was good to see what resources they used to decide what to do.

However, I believe that it should have been easier for them. What should OSMUK be doing to help them and others in the future to know what to do, and to engage with the community appropriately? (a section on osmuk.org for 'donate data'?...update specific wiki pages?)


Jez Nicholson Mon 26 Nov 2018 5:25PM

You are indeed correct. This is its raison d'etre :) OSMUK will look to offer outside organisations: advice on how to proceed; paid/volunteer services of talent directory members; influence over the services of volunteers (e.g. via a quarterly project); paid/volunteer services from OSMUK itself; and/or a combination. We have no real preference. Whatever works for that particular organisation.


RobJN Mon 26 Nov 2018 10:45PM

And what works for us. Projects have to align with our aims and be of benefit to OSM and OSM community. :+1: