Sat 9 Sep 2017 2:27AM

IPnz 2017 Broadcasting Policy Draft

BC ben cooney Public Seen by 80

I have had a look at a couple of decisions that we have made around broadcasting in the past and have cobbled together a policy based on our vote we had to adopt the Coalition For Better Broadcasting charter. I have also added as a supplemental Re the Satire laws stating that Parliamentarians and Parliament TV are not to be used for purposes of satire

You will notice some amendments and you will see (IPnz) entered next to where it says CBB ...
I will leave this up for a few days to get a feel of what you all think... then I will have a vote starting on Friday to which we will vote on if we adopt this as a "Working Policy Document" moving forward .as its a huge area with much to consider and I am sure a lot of things added and redacted ....

IPnz Broadcasting Policy 2017: Draft Document

Via loomio decision to support Centre for Better Broacasting charter.


  1. A Public Service Television Channel The CBB (IPnz) calls for a return to a public service principles in broadcasting (and other media) in recognition of the fact that commercial media imperatives and policies are incapable of adequately delivering civic, democratic, educational and cultural policy outcomes. Commercial scheduling pressures and opportunity costs currently preclude the production and scheduling of many content forms/genres. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) would support the reinstatement of a commercial-free, publicly-funded TV channel (along the lines of TVNZ7) at the centre of the NZ media ecology.
  2. Radio New Zealand The CBB (IPnz) calls for the ringfencing (hypothecation) of public funding for public broadcasting and related institutions and independent reviews of funding levels to ensure funding remains sufficient and commensurate with function. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) would support an end to the current freeze on funding increases for Radio New Zealand.
  3. How To Pay For It All The CBB (IPnz) suggests that commercial media institutions, whose operations are collectively responsible for market failures and the under-delivery of local content and public service genres, help to fund public service initiatives required to redress those failures. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) proposes: a) imposing a small levy on the revenues of highly profitable commercial media (including PayTV and telecommunications) to help fund public service provisions and b) requiring PayTV operators to pay modest licencing fees to the free-to-air operators they carry on their platforms (on a must-offer/must-pay basis).

_____ (IPnz) Amendment 1. c) funds are to be allocated to Public broadcasters by NZ On Air, and other applicable funding bodies
4. Government Support Across Departments
The CBB (IPnz) supports a vertically-integrated approach to public media policy, recognising that public service outcomes require both content production and guaranteed channels of distribution. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) recommends:
a) the reservation of digital spectrum (and online bandwidth) for public broadcasting services, and
b) a review of current NZ on Air funding priorities to ensure a full range of public service genres are supported and screened.

  1. Education The CBB (IPnz) recognises that public education is a core purpose of public service broadcasting and media, and that with the exception of Radio New Zealand, the NZ public and education system is not served by a co-ordinated public service broadcasting and media infrastructure. Public education and information is crucial to healthy democracy and civil society and new technology makes this integration easier and more productive. The CBB (IPnz) calls for educational outcomes to be considered in the funding of public service broadcasting and media.

____(IPnz) Amendemnt 2. Seeks that work experience/apprenticeship pathways are introduced by all pulbic broadcasters.. This is made up of, and will be offered to, recent graduates from all NZ based media training providers. We propose that WINZ allocate funds based on the unemploymnet benefit base level for a period of no shorter than 20 weeks. We propose that access to Start work grants be awarded for graduates who are accepted for these roles so to ready them with the basic equipment, clothes, travel costs they would need to succeed.
6. Public Interest Journalism
The CBB (IPnz) recognises the essential role played by public service media (particularly Radio New Zealand) in providing robust, independent and comprehensive news and current affairs content which helps to render the activities of government and market actors transparent and accountable to the citizens of New Zealand. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) supports measures to enhance independent, public interest journalism through broadcasting and other media.

_______(IPnz) Amendment 3.(IPNZ) Sees that the lack of inclusion, and access to televised debates by minor parties "who are not polling above or at 3%" is woefully undemocratic. The media have a duty of care to provide an open platform to ALL parties who are registered to stand in a national election. The Media instituitions failure to do so is nothing short of "Election Meddling" and a subversion of the pillars of democracy .

  1. Healthy Markets The CBB (IPnz) recognises that healthy market competition in the media sector requires judicious state intervention and regulatory arrangements, not an ideologically enforced absence thereof. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) calls for a review of policy and legal provisions affecting the state of market competition in the NZ media sector, both domestically and internationally, including: a) a review of competition laws that allow incumbent operators in the media sector to impede market competition, and b) a review of international free trade agreements which prevent the introduction of local content quotas.

_________(IPnz) Amendment 3 .(IPnz) Seeks a rigourous reintroduction on the minimum local content quota of 15%. We seek that penalties be enforced on those Media organisations that do not honour the quota. We seek to increase the quota incrementally up to 25% with in 5 years . We seek that more funding be allocated for local Fim, Music,Television, Dance and Art. (IPnz) sees that our voice and our culture is of upmost importance to support, protect and grow.
8. Getting What We've Already Paid For
The CBB (IPnz) recommends that media content and services created with the support of public subsidy be made available to NZ audiences as a public good and not treated as a private commodity. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) opposes placing publicly-funded content behind private paywalls and would demand that channels like Heartland and Kidzone 24 (currently available only to Sky subscribers) be made available on Freeview.

_____(IPnz) Amendement 4. We seek to have all Public broadcasters added to freeview and channels opened up for such . The cost the channels should be drastically subsidised for public broadcasters
9. Promoting Diversity
The CBB (IPnz) recognises the important role played by public service media, particularly indigenous and ethnic minority media, in reflecting and validating cultural identity and promoting intercultural understanding and integration. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) recognises the importance of the Maori Television Service and other indigenous broadcasters and also regional and community broadcasters.
10. Catching Up With Convergence
The CBB (IPNZ) supports a platform-neutral approach to public media policy, recognising that – in addition to broadcasting – telecommunications, online media and print media can also make an important contribution to civic, democratic, educational and cultural outcomes. To this end, the CBB (IPnz) would support the extension of the role of the Telecommunications Commissioner to include broadcasting and related content form

Suplimentary IPnz to support a change in the Satire Laws regarding broadcasting parliamnet recordings


The new standing orders, voted in last month, concern the use of images of Parliamentary debates, and make it a contempt of Parliament for broadcasters or anyone else to use footage of the chamber for "satire, ridicule or denigration."
This was passed in 2007 and effectively out-lawed the use of Parliamentary footage for satire. This is an encroachment of freedom of speech. If our MP's knew that at any moment in the house the things they do or say could be used for the purpose of comedy [Think The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,] then perhaps they may keep a more civil tongue.
Also, being allowed to make light of and poke jokes at our politicians is such an integral part of what separates a democracy from a dictatorship.
A simple change, but one that shows we honor and value Freedom of Speech.

(IPnz) Sees that the use of images from parliamentary TV should be available and allowed to be used in the interest of the public good for the purpose of satire by any individual or organisation as long as it fits under the current laws around defamation and slander and not to be used in any way that may cause ill repute, physical or financial harm to the individual(s) featured in "said Satire Video" or "audio recording" or "meme' or "viral video" made by any individual.
Satire is a hugely important part of any democracy as it allows the populace to enter into discourse around said individual , event, policy, statement, law. It provides of platform for robust debate and will strengthen our democratic values. We should be aloud to be critical, to lampoon and to laugh at our "Political representatives" who are paid for and elected by us the populace .
Freedom of speech and the right to dissent are protected under the bill of rights. New Zealanders have the inalienable right to be critical of our leaders and institutions. 💜🔜🌏


idiom axiom Sat 9 Sep 2017 4:51AM

Or we could post videos satirising the bastards and are them to jail us.

Contempt of parliament is what keeps democracy functioning.


ben cooney Sat 9 Sep 2017 8:33AM

hahaha we could.... and tbh I think we should,,,, HOWEVER ... we do need a frame work that we can leverage from and build on to ... and I think this policy gives absolute credence for us to totally thumb our noses at the current media dinosaur regime

whats your thoughts on this idiom? from a professional stand point ? I get the feeling that you have worked or do work in the industry... are there any parts that you love? or parts that you have or parts you would like to add? this in my mind is a living document and a blueprint that we can actively build, together!!!


ben cooney Sun 10 Sep 2017 1:23AM

We received some cimms from the hearing impaired association re closed captions and accessability.. I will be adding this to the policy later today.


ben cooney Sun 10 Sep 2017 1:25AM

Has anyone got any thoughts or additions or criticism of tbis policy document? . It would be amazing to get some insight from the members.


idiom axiom Sun 10 Sep 2017 6:15AM

I posted a many pointed rebuttal of the better broadcasting plan before the vote to support it.

I think its backward, misguided, and nostalgic. Its longs for a pre-internet world where the government supplied good family-safe entertainment. Whether you wanted to watch it or not.

Its worthy of a reactionary party seeking #rollbacknz


ben cooney Sun 10 Sep 2017 6:18AM

I see where your coming from... And im interested to hear the objections..


idiom axiom Sun 10 Sep 2017 6:38AM

  1. is unsupported assertions
  2. is backwards.
  3. people not watching tv anymore is not a commercial failure.
  4. They dont care you dont want to watch broadcast tv, so they are going to force phone and internet bandwidth to be reserved for propaganda
  5. Kids don't learn from broadcast tv anymore. its not the 60's. Move on.
  6. Twitter is hella better for information than RNZ or any govt fount of official information. The stuff we need to know is the stuff the govt. censors.
  7. There is a healthy market. Lots of different entities are making money. Nobody wants to buy their ideology, so they want to force people to watch it and others to pay for its production. The market didn't fail communist utopianism did. Nobody worships the state like they are supposed too
  8. Just put it online already.
  9. No they don't.
  10. Naked power grab.

Jo Booth Mon 11 Sep 2017 1:18PM

Even with the "new" media options I like that we have a policy that ensures a portion of public funding supports the creation, production and distribution of locally made or public interest content. The platform-neutral approach means that the content produced could be streamed or uploaded to YouTube, or tweets around or whatsoever is needed to ensure it is available to "the public" - Freeview might not be where the cool kids are, but maybe it's time Freeview had a internet stream too? what this does is ensure a slice of the pie is reserved, and not everyone can afford internet - so "free" broadcast TV is a heck of a lot of bandwidth one way - so let's ensure it has content we want to watch.


Jo Booth Mon 11 Sep 2017 1:23PM

A fair few music videos and even @kimdotcom made use of public funding for his recent caught in the web documentary - I think it serves a useful purpose and should be nuttier and supported - even if we have a progressive vision for media now plus 5 years the core concept should remain.


ben cooney Mon 11 Sep 2017 1:27PM

I totally agree jo. Yup the corporste media and current players do have a stranglehold on contenr and yes they do current manufacture and manipulate... What i see is public broadcasters in every major city doibg local shows streamed or on freeview... Talkibg to locals about local things but also serving up counter narritives to the msm... In lieu of a service thst does this we need one..