Wed 9 May 2018 8:06PM

Challenge: Footpaths

R RobJN Public Seen by 49

Hi all. There has recently been a crowd sourcing project to transcribe and georeference all written elements on historic maps (see gb1900.org). OSM UK have obtained a copy of all "F.P" (footpath) or similar locations.

I thought a really fun test would be to see if we can identify any possible missing footpaths by using the data.

We would need to filter the data down to just those points that do not have a OSM mapped highway within X meters. These are then candidates to investigate further.

The point data incudes some 300k points (based on locations of the first letter in "F.P") so it's a big task but not too difficult for a person with the right know how.

We'd love to have some help on this. If it is a project that also excites you, please let me know.


SomeoneElse Sun 15 Jul 2018 3:56PM

Guidepost mapping does seem a bit confused. https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/guidepost#values seems to be a mix of "who the guidepost is for", "physically what sort of guidepost this is" and "what information does it provide". https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/guide_type#values is less used and seems to overlap with the much more widely used route_marker and trail_blaze. There's nothing really in use at https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/information=guidepost#combinations (apart from destination) so we probably need some other way of saying "This guidepost has distances to destinations on it" or "this guidepost has only "public footpath" on it. We already have "information=route_marker" for LDP membership signs that aren't guideposts; I've started adding guideposts to the relation where that guidepost really is a guidepost (e.g. it has a destination and distances on it) but also conveys route membership.