Thu 12 Dec 2013 3:48AM

Welcome. Please post installation problems here.

RG Robert Guthrie Public Seen by 77

As Loomio's user base grows, we get more and more people installing Loomio on their own systems or vps's.

Loomio is a pretty complicated thing to install, heck, any rails app can be a big struggle to get setup.. however Loomio has quite a lot of integration points and config variables to configure.

We've started to get direct emails asking for support, and while we're delighted to support people running their own Loomio installs, we'd rather it did not take up too much of our time. So I'm going to put the effort into supporting people to setup their Loomio's here, and hopefully after a while people can support each other and common questions will be documented.

Let's give it a go eh?

P.s. As we get started please don't hesitate to mention me (@robertguthrie) to get my attention.


Edward L Platt Tue 26 Feb 2019 7:17PM

Considering using Loomio as part of my PhD dissertation. Just installed a dev instance on my macbook. Some things I ran into:
- Quick start guide says ruby 2.5.1, is now 2.6.1
- Had to manually create database before running rake db:setup
- Would be nice to run a dev instance without setting up email verification