
Feature: Tag Filtering (Old Diaspora-Pistos Feature)

ST Sean Tilley Public Seen by 71

Diaspora-Pistos had some interesting features on its fork. One of the more useful ones was the ability to exclude specific tags from the stream.

  1. How much work would it take to port this feature?
  2. Does Pistos code here need to be re-done in Backbone, or can we plug it in as-is?

Relevant code parts:
* filters.html.haml
* tag_exclusion.rb


Shmerl Sun 14 Apr 2013 1:28AM

I think this should be implemented in a more generic way. I.e. allow boolean logic operators to be applied to: tags, contacts and aspects. Such combinations can be saved as meta "tags", to allow easy filtering by them. Also the default view should be customizable with such logic. This will cover all possible cases, including filtering tags (with NOT operator) and also will allow more interesting combinations, like viewing several aspects at the same time and etc.


Shmerl Tue 9 Jul 2013 3:38PM

More generic approach described here: https://www.loomio.org/discussions/4631


Maciek Łoziński Mon 5 Aug 2013 12:23PM

It's a great idea to use funtionality #nsfw provides - just allow adding new tags and delete existing ones from filter list. That way, also user can also disable #nswf filter which could be ok for somebody. New accounts could be created with #nsfw as a default filter tag.