
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development ...

SHR Siamul Huq Rabbany Public Seen by 317

All goals of the 2015 development agendas are to ensure sustainable development. All goals are equally important, however, here i would like to focus mainly on goal 16 which talks about broadly governance issues. The 16 targets underneath are key to ensure sustainability of any development initiative. The political will is very important in this case at the national level. How this can be ensured in a very complex political dynamics. Particularly where one party is dominating everything. This is not just because one party is grabbing all power rather it is mostly due to lack of capacity of other political parties. The CSOs are also not taking enough initiatives to ensure inclusiveness of all stakeholders/parties. Either they are so scared to take such initiative in a polarized situation or they just want to carry on their business without making their hands dirty in addressing these political issues. I must say without a strong political will making real differences are near to impossible. How this can be dealt with?


DOSSE SOSSOUGA Fri 4 Sep 2015 10:45AM

we must know well the meaning of being politicians.It means that you must be in a politic party and promote your party program.


David Kirshbaum Fri 4 Sep 2015 2:26PM

Majo Joseph - I believe most NGOs lack resources. A major tactic to make up for that that works quite well is to form coalitions to work on issues of mutual concern.