Fri 23 Jan 2015 1:14AM

Preamble to an underpinning bill of rights/constitution

D DirectAdmin Public Seen by 106

We, The people, by virtue of birth claim our sovereignty and right to self detemination.
that no king, lord, minister or chieftain is above any individual.
That the power resides in us, and it is our right to represent that power and our own wishes in whatever way we see fit.
furthermore, we declare the following rights are sacred and inalienable. no statute or law can be made to remove these:

*so what do you think, can we start a bill of rights here? being the foundation of a society (global or otherwise) I think it fitting that we start here ourselves.

what would you add to the preamble? what would you put in the bill of rights


Peter Lindsay Fri 23 Jan 2015 2:15AM



Greg Cassel Fri 23 Jan 2015 2:52AM

Well, I think the UN committee (Eleanor Roosevelt led) did a good job in 1947 with their Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Of course they haven't been able to follow through effectively.


DirectAdmin Fri 23 Jan 2015 2:53AM

im not adverse to stealing some of these universal declarations.i like the right to power water and food

what specifically would you see enshrined?


Greg Cassel Fri 23 Jan 2015 3:22AM

I like everything in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Can you tell me what you mean by 'enshrined'? The UN already had these principles for almost 70 years but couldn't and wouldn't do much about most of them, in the face of nation-state sovereignty. I think nation-states will deteriorate and disappear eventually one way or the other, but they still have a lot of power.

I can understand where someone would want to create global society principles outside of the UN, but I think the UN goals are very good within the context of our current archaic power structures, and can still have some positive effect. I personally think mainly of change from the grassroots-- peer to peer, organizational, and economic instead of political. So, I personally focus a lot on organizational integrity concepts.


Ben Burton Fri 23 Jan 2015 3:37AM

Before we come up with solutions, let's work on defining the problems. Why do we need a preamble? That's partially rhetorical, but totally serious.

Let's start this project with clearly defined problems, goals and solutions.


DirectAdmin Fri 23 Jan 2015 4:24AM

I'm sure this is valid but underpinning everything else we do we need to protect our rights.

All solutions we come up with must fit within the framework of a constitution and bill of rights.

Since the model I will be bringing to the table will abolish nation states, its important to protect the citizens. Especially if we are aiming global.

Can someone find the universal declaration of human rights? I'm onsite working but would like to discuss this.

Since there were no other posts I thought this might be a good place for us to start


Peter Lindsay Fri 23 Jan 2015 8:45AM

Take a look at the French preamble - circa 1789 - The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
by Marquis de Lafayette.


Pete Radic Fri 23 Jan 2015 8:54AM

I agree with Ben...


DirectAdmin Fri 23 Jan 2015 9:15AM

Well we don't all have to work on the same things at once.

There is no reason we can't have multiple threads going on problems and solutions and law and constitution and systems.

I mean that's how a direct democracy would work isn't it?

The fact we are talking about a bill of rights/constitution doesn't mean we can't also have threads on other stuff.

This is just where I chose to start. I will happily join in multiple threads.

I also intend to start a thread on the method of direct democracy, as well as transitional direct democracy.

If you don't want to contribute to this topic, its ok!

If this came across in a negative way, it was not my intention. I'm just trying to say as a group we can diversify!


Pete Radic Fri 23 Jan 2015 9:23AM

Not taken in a negative way... Just good to have the discussion..

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