
Is this a good time to tell a new story about what our common human needs really are?

NO Naomi Orbegozo Public Seen by 35

I felt really inspired by this Daily Alternative piece by Inez Aponte https://www.thealternative.org.uk/dailyalternative/2020/4/5/inez-aporte-new-economics and by the 'Human Scale Development' approach, which I had never heard of before. I have been aware of Manfred Max-Neef's Fundamental human needs and the idea of connecting on the level of these needs through 'Non-violent Communication', so the idea of basing an economy on something so equalising seemed very exciting and extremely logical to me. I have also been interested about how clearly this crisis is drawing a line between the necessary and the frivolous and what effect this might have...

So I guess my question is...Is there a way to use this sudden clarity to prompt a wider conscious acknowledgement of these needs and their relationship to value? Perhaps to nudge a deeper realisation of the importance of them being permanently and systemically met for everybody?


Louise Livingstone Fri 24 Apr 2020 8:43AM

Yes, it really does Naomi :) My diary frees up around w/c 11th May. Would be good to delve deeper. Warm wishes everyone


Indra Adnan Sat 25 Apr 2020 4:22PM

Is there something from this conversation that you want to share with the co-creators group tomorrow? :)


Naomi Orbegozo Tue 28 Apr 2020 7:56AM

Should we schedule something now for after May 11th? ...before diaries start to fill up again :)


Louise Livingstone Tue 28 Apr 2020 4:18PM

Yes, that's a good idea. At the moment, the only day I can't do during w/c 11th is Wednesday 13th. Warm wishes :)


Naomi Orbegozo Sun 10 May 2020 12:12PM

I have just been reading about how the ancient Chinese placed the 'mind' in the heart whereas the ancient Greeks located it in the head, and how that has influenced our ways of thinking/acting...and that reminded me that I never replied to you Louise, I'm so sorry!

I have been meeting with Inez on Zoom as part of a larger group working on the Counter Narratives initiative also proposed in this sub-group. Considering what we have spoken about in this thread, I think your work and ours could resonate very nicely together and your input would be highly valued. Inez and Ben are working tirelessly to create a succinct document that outlines our purpose and main messages. Once that is published, would you be willing to take a look then perhaps we could set up a group call with you to discuss possible collaboration/coordination?

I hope you are well and enjoying your Sunday :)


Louise Livingstone Sun 10 May 2020 12:20PM

I would absolutely love to be involved Naomi - thank you. Please do send me the document when complete and I'd very much like the opportunity to discuss possible collaboration/coordination. I hope you are well too. I might not be able to make the regular Zoom meeting later on, but please do keep me in the loop in relation to the sub-group. Warmest wishes, and thank you again :)


Alex Cooper Wed 29 Apr 2020 9:29PM

Very many apologies, I don't have time to read the posts here, but since I revisited an old TED talk on human needs yesterday, it feels appropriate to share.

It's from Anthony Robbins, now a very rich American but someone who began life in poverty, but someone with a deep understanding of human needs. There are 6 needs he identifies, which are not very obvious, but in the talk he explains

Certainty & Surprise (can be in conflict)

Significance & Connection and Love (can be in conflict)

Growing and Giving (Needs of the Spirit)

It may be presumptuous to recommend you view his talk given that I've not read the preceding posts, but if you'll indulge me, I think it may be worth it ... ???

You may have already seen it, it has nearly 29 million views ...


I can relate these to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, but that's another post ...

I wish I had an appropriate sign off - let me try a friend's ...


nah doesn't work for me