Thu 1 Nov 2018 4:11PM

PPI (Pirate Parties International)

JD Jelle Debusscher Public Seen by 46


This weekend the GA of the PPI takes place (link below) in München.
We think it's important to give attention to international coöperation and democratic assembly to further develop, uphold communication channels and broaden our scope.

So my first question is :
* Does the PPBE still wants to be a member of the PPI ?
- If no, please motivate.
- If yes, representation is in order.

So secondly:
* Does the PPBE support the nomination of a boardmember ?
- Please motivate.



Renaud Van Eeckhout Sun 12 Jan 2020 5:55PM

So this means that ppbe can attend as well?

Well, I have no idea to be honest, that's all the info I have. They always talk about delegates because formalities, but I guess they won't be mad if you participate :D

Unless they have sent us an email to some old email account we don't use anymore, they haven't contacted us in the last months (except for the request for an official address), but I guess we're still officially member? No idea - they probably don't know either :D

Anyway, thanks for looking at it, maybe it will be very positive, I can imagine IT-people collaborating more would be a good thing.


Ilja Mon 20 Jan 2020 7:13PM

... I tried both Firefox and Chromium and neither work for me :/ It looks like it's stuck...

It asks me to open `xdg-open`. As far as I can tell, the only thing this does is open a preferred application for a link... There is also a download button to install some (proprietary?) app on my machine.

So a far as I can tell, they want to use some proprietary service that forces you to download their proprietary app on your own machine before you can even START communicating!

Maybe we should write that text telling them what we think of all this *grmbl* *grmbl* (or maybe I'm just wrong and too tired to figure it out 😴 )


Renaud Van Eeckhout Mon 20 Jan 2020 9:35PM

The software is Zoom? They used it for last GA, yes proprietary stuff. I've seen mentions of a Jitsi room for "informal chat", don't know why they don't use that instead.

Apparently there will be a report available soon, I'll share it here as soon as I see it.


Renaud Van Eeckhout Tue 21 Jan 2020 2:06PM

Here is the report


Renaud Van Eeckhout Sat 1 Feb 2020 2:17PM

Same invitation, but for treasurers this time : https://pp-international.net/2020/02/1214/

Invitation to the first Meeting of the Pirate Parties International Standing Committee on Usual Requisitions of Various Yields (SCURVY)

We initiate the SCURVY meetings this year with the goal to foster cooperation among PPI’s members. This standing committee aims to extend direct communications not only between international coordinators of Pirate Parties, but also between actual subject matter experts. The upcoming SCURVY session will focus primarily on finance topics: membership fees, fund raising, party subsidies, controlling (evaluating based on standards and regulations), budgets, accounting, etc. 


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 18 Mar 2020 8:16PM

Hello, Pirate Party Austria just installed an instance of Mattermost for international Pirates : https://mattermost.globalpirates.net/globalpirates/channels/globalpirates

About Mattermost : it's the open-source version of Slack and is good for organising, as one can create teams, channels, private and direct messaging channels, also you can share files and is comes with some integrations like jitsi-video calls. It's helpful if you try to organise a workgroup or taksforce or maybe also a small PP.


Ilja Fri 20 Mar 2020 8:08PM

FYI for everyone interested, me and @Renaud Van Eeckhout have already joined


Renaud Van Eeckhout Wed 17 Feb 2021 4:32PM

For your information, there was a board meeting of PPI today (they meet once or twice a month).

If you're interested, the minutes of that meeting and the previous ones can be found on the wiki of PPI : https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=PPI_Board/Board_Meetings


Lander Meeusen Thu 18 Feb 2021 3:53PM

@Jelle Debusscher