Tue 2 Oct 2018 5:57PM

Shall we create a new Facebook group that kinda replaces our Page?

LF Luke Flegg Public Seen by 194

We'd still keep the Page because it's good for tagging on Facebook and it's just another way to reach people / offers different functionality to a group, but honestly Pages have become such an incredibly ineffective way to communicate with our Brighton community. I think less than 10% of people see our posts on our Page unless we put money behind them.

By comparison, if we used a group for blog-like major updates, polls and other communications (maybe even the occasional gig, unless we properly do another group for that? perhaps that's another conversation!) then I think more like 40% of people would see the posts, and if we could get members of the group to click
Notifications > All Posts
then I think our posts would be seen by about 9 x as many people (90%+)

One of the functions of our Page could be to point at our Group.
So I guess I'd create 1 Facebook Group
Dignity platform BRIGHTON
then when we spread to another city, let's say London, create 2 more:
Dignity platform LONDON
Dignity platform GLOBAL (or UK)


Pasco Mon 8 Oct 2018 7:30AM

Love this idea. I'm in :)