Mon 24 Apr 2017 11:30PM

Aragon: blockchain company platform: github issue Change of interface wording #41

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Recently Aragon, a much anticipated blockchain decentralized platform, launched the their alpha version. The platform , hosted on the ethereum public blockchain, enables anyone to deploy an organization on the decentralized network. However, the wording used in the platform was raised as an issue since not all orgs use 'stocks', 'stock class' or 'shares'. I raised the issue on their slack/github channel since I felt that such an agnostic tech should be capable of being re-purposed for different organization types. disclosure; I dont work for nor am I affiliated with the developers. Im interested in using their platform for a coop type org.

I thought I'd create this channel here to discuss the suitability of the Aragon platform for an OpenCoop.

Please note that the Aragon.one platform is distinct from the Aragon Network. The Aragon Core, is open source decentralized app to run Blockchain organizations. The Aragon Network is optional common services to orgs using the core platform. Interesting times.


Simon Grant Wed 2 Aug 2017 11:33AM

@gregorycassel makes good points here, and maybe they belong as part of a wider discussion -- certainly not limited to this thread. There is certainly a balance needed between openness and privacy/security, particular with regards to personal information. Clarity about what is best open, and what is best private, is likely to contribute positively to this discussion and others.