Sat 18 Aug 2018 4:40PM

Universal credit and claiming benefits while in a workers coop

AH Alex Hilton Public Seen by 101

Hi, does anyone have any info/ experience of claiming benefits while a in workers co-op now the new universal credit system has come in? This used to be do-able through working tax credit or housing benefit.

Two of our members are potentially going to need to claim something. One of us is a part-time student who's housing benefit claim has been closed due to extra income over the summer and they've been told housing benefit will no longer be accepting new applicants next term as it's moving to universal credit. And the other is potentially needing to claim as a new claimant as well.

As a coop mainly made up of disabled people as a means to provide employment for ourselves that we might otherwise struggle with, accessing benefits is likely to be an ongoing issue for us that isn't primarily about how much work the coop can bring in. I don't want to be in a position where people have to leave the coop because universal credit rules make it impossible for them to continue working here. Any advice much appreciated.



Steve Graby Mon 8 Oct 2018 1:39PM

Hi all. I'm the member of TypeOlogy looking to claim benefits as a new claimant. I just saw on the Leeds city Council website that Housing Benefit will no longer be available to claim for new claimants (outside of some specific categories, which list does not include company directors) after 10th October, which is this Wednesday :( So I'm going to try to get my claim in today... but I don't know whether or not the same applies to Working Tax Credits?

The LCC website says:

From 10 October 2018, you can only make a claim for housing benefit if:

You live in supported/exempt accommodation such as a homelessness hostel, a refuge, sheltered housing or accommodation which includes care, support or supervision
You have three or more children who live with you
You are a pensioner
You live in temporary accommodation provided by the council



Steve Graby Tue 16 Oct 2018 5:49PM

Update on this: I tried to order a Working Tax Credits form, but got an auto-reply saying I couldn't get one because I live in a Universal Credit postcode area. I'm still waiting to hear back on the Housing Benefit application.


boo. too late now, but ,if memory serves me right, because being a director is an exception to the norm/having to be, you have to phone up and they start filling it in while you're on the phone. I might well be wrong, but I think it's irrelevant now anyway :-(


Michelle Fri 26 Oct 2018 11:43AM

I called the tax office to cancel my tax credits as I have moved abroad and they told me old tax credits claims will not be effect by Universal Credit but new claimants will have to apply for Universal Credit. I did the online calculator and found out I will still be awarded money similar to my tax credits. Here is the calculator... https://benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/AboutYou?utm_source=BAdviser&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK