Wed 20 Jun 2018 3:10PM

Selling worker co-opts.

SC Simon Carter Public Seen by 72

Can anyone point me toward a compelling over-view of worker coops, or perhaps write such a thing?. The idea is to both explain in an accessible way based upon the assumption that the audience is mostly ignorant on the subject, & to 'sell it' as a viable, indeed preferable alternative to the dominant models of employment. Brevity is a plus. I'm after something that in as few words as possible creates a light bulb moment. In fact just a sentence from anyone based upon that aim would be appreciated. It could actually be a useful exercise for all of us. I think marketers call it an elevator pitch.


Dave Hollings Thu 21 Jun 2018 6:16AM

I would pick three successful examples and summarise them - people respond to stories. I would make one of them so left-field that it makes people stop and think.


John Atherton Thu 21 Jun 2018 9:50AM

For me it entirely depends on the person i'm talking to, are they currently a sole trader, local authority or activist, so everything from:
- Interested in setting up a business but want to share the risks, responsibilities and also the benefits with others?
- Worker co-ops are more likely to survive than traditional start-ups, keep jobs local and build wealth locally.
- Worker co-ops are embolism in the bloodstream of the capitalist system. Let get enough of them to give it a stroke.. "