Sun 26 Jul 2015 7:05AM

Change the image size in the mobile view

DU Deleted account Public Seen by 134

I proposed a PR to increase the size of all images displayed in the stream on mobile view. This would improve the quality of the displayed images but increase th quantity of data transfered each time the stream loads.


Deleted account Sun 26 Jul 2015 8:40AM

Currently we display images which are resized to 300x300. (max-height and max-width is 300) In your PR you use 700xInf but your proposal sounds like you mean 700x700.

I can adapt the PR to go 700*700px. I didn't though about the heigh but it's a good point.


Flaburgan Sun 26 Jul 2015 8:45AM

First of all, we should solve #6248 and see if it's really not enough ( @rich1 maybe you were not aware of this bug).

If you still want to increase the size of the image, you at least need to:

  • Check the size of the viewport
  • Check the bandwith of the user

I would block any proposition to render big files on the mobile version stream if we're not able to do that. Sorry, but we're not all living in Paris with unlimited data mate :p


Deleted account Sun 26 Jul 2015 8:52AM

I would block any proposition to render big files on the mobile version stream if we’re not able to do that. Sorry, but we’re not all living in Paris with unlimited data mate :p

This is exactly about this point. As I said, increasing image quality will prevent the user to be obliged to load the full quality image each time. It is very useful especally with random bandwidth like in public transports.


Flaburgan Sun 26 Jul 2015 8:54AM

There are work in progress on a srcset attribute for images. This looks interesting.
Another way to deal with the problem would be to change the way we name images, calling them image.jpg, [email protected] etc. I don't know how that works.


Flaburgan Sun 26 Jul 2015 8:59AM

This is exactly about this point. As I said, increasing image quality will prevent the user to be obliged to load the full quality image each time. It is very useful especally with random bandwidth like in public transports.

I completely disagree. This is true only if you want to check carefully every images of your stream. All other use cases will be less data consuming.


Deleted account Sun 26 Jul 2015 9:05AM

I completely disagree. This is true only if you want to check carefully every images of your stream. All other use cases will be less data consuming.

Saying that would make sens if stream was only composed with directly uploaded images. Far from the reality. The stream can also be composed of:

  • embedded images on resolution of which you have strictly no control,
  • heavy gifs

Deleted account Sun 26 Jul 2015 9:11AM

I'm not against a user setting.


Flaburgan Sun 26 Jul 2015 9:14AM

@augier that's not a reason to make the situation worse.
I'll open an issue about the gif images.


Jason Robinson Sun 26 Jul 2015 11:25AM

I guess a "always show full image" setting would make sense, off by default, so those of us lucky enough to live in countries that have unlimited data pretty much as default could have a nice experience instead of like it is now where the mobile is kinda clunky concerning images.

Would this sound good?


Deleted account Sun 26 Jul 2015 11:40AM

I guess a “always show full image” setting would make sense, off by default

That's also my opinion.

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