
Sorting by group/subgroup in parent group timeline

MC Matthew Cropp Public Seen by 70

In a parent group, the timeline can get quite busy as it includes all the threads from the sub-groups as well. For parent groups with many sub-groups, this can get to the point where it is hard to find key parent group threads in all the noise.

Is it possible to give users the option to only view main group threads when in the parent group?


Robert Guthrie Mon 7 Oct 2019 8:13AM

Hi @Matthew Cropp . We did support this via the UI of Loomio 2.0, and it was actually the default when looking at a parent group, however we found that the UI was too subtle and many users thought threads had disappeared. So I'm a but unsure how to expose this feature from the UI right now.

Meanwhile, if you add ?subgroups=none to the end of a group url it will do what you're asking. I just need an intuitive place to put this link.