Fri 5 Oct 2018 3:42PM


M mike_hales Public Seen by 151

This group upgraded to a Gold account, 05 October 2018. Sponsored - at 'community' rate ($90, one year) - by Mike Hales & Bob Haugen. When this renews, other may wish to sponsor?

Gold means:
- subgroups can be created, and
- categories can be created and applied on the group page, by coordinators


Bob Haugen Sun 26 Sep 2021 4:50PM

How'dja do that? I tried to follow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_sign#Windows,_Linux,_Unix and failed


Simon Grant Sun 26 Sep 2021 4:33PM

£££££££ ;-)


Bob Haugen Sun 26 Sep 2021 4:29PM

 I'm paying a regular amount.

Yeah, you are part of that 80.11... (Loomio does not seem to let me post a pound sign u


mike_hales Sun 26 Sep 2021 4:14PM

Sounds good to me @Bob Haugen thanks. "What mike hales did before" was get Oli Sylvester Bradley to be OpenCollective fiscal sponsor, via OpenCoop banking setup. So this arrangement persists @Oli SB ? I won't kick in anything additional, I'm paying a regular amount.


Lynn Foster Sun 26 Sep 2021 2:53PM

So that people can be comfortable that a contribution won't go to waste, I'll promise to fill whatever gap is left by Oct 2 say.

I also want to acknowledge what @Arnold Schrijver said, and agree that loomio has become hard to use. And to acknowledge the useful ideas several people had about different places to go, including compatible groups. But as @[email protected] points out, it is easiest to stay here, and inertia could be helpful if we rejuvenate the group, because a lot of people are here, many casually. We can see what happens in the coming years, as things hopefully move towards more interoperability.


Bob Haugen Sun 26 Sep 2021 2:00PM

@Lynn Foster and I discussed this situation on our morning walk and we would like to try to make it happen: collective funding of the "lifetime" community subscription at $199. https://www.loomio.org/upgrade/7425?pay=community

I understand from Lynn that we already have 80.11 pounds in an Open Collective account https://opencollective.com/open-app-ecosystem - that's roughly $110.

So we need roughly $90 more. I'm up for kicking in at least $20. If we can get 4 more people to kick in $20, and then find somebody else to do whatever @mike_hales did before to process the transaction from Open Collective to Loomio, we can get this done.

We also discussed a new focus, at least for ourselves: methods of organizing and connecting open app ecosystems, which continue to be very hand-wavy, which might be ok, but it might also be good to try some more-precise approaches.


Vincenzo Giorgino Thu 23 Sep 2021 7:32AM

Dear All,

I would like to suggest a sort of smart migration to another group or a sort of alliance. It's something that it is still in its infancy but with a lot of passion and ongoing projects by its member worldwide. It's the CryptoCommons Association - https://www.crypto-commons.org/ - promoted by Felix Fritsch and Giulio Quarta. I attended its meeting in Austria two weeks ago and I see a clear complementarity between the OAE group and them. Please, get a look at the website and think about it. Nothing of what you are doing will be lost, on the contrary, it could find a practical pathway within a co-design of a social and economic ecosystem inspired by the commoning.
This is my modest opinion for what I can understand of both groups.


Il giorno mer 22 set 2021 alle ore 22:29 Bob Haugen (via Loomio) ha scritto:


Bob Haugen shared a Proposizione outcome.

Who cares if this OAE group continues here in Loomio? ( https://www.loomio.org/p/GhN1lYJI?stance_token=ZSboFALw38JAHNm32FC5tR8m&utm_campaign=poll_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_source=outcome_created )


Loomio says: "This proposal has closed. Please consider what as been said and share an outcome, so people know what’ll happen next."

I don't see a clear outcome. But this was more like what some of the Loomio people call a "temperature check" anyway.

So 9 people agreed that maybe this OAE Loomio group should stay alive, but most of them would kick in money if and only if some deliberately vague critical mass wanted it to stay alive. Is that enuf to satisfy those people? I don't know.

But it is some people who want it to stay alive under some conditions.

Some people suggested that the purpose of the OAE as of now is not clear and maybe should be re-imagined.

So if I understand correctly, we got almost 2 weeks to figure out the ongoing purpose and then see if the people who want to kick in to keep it alive are sufficient and if somebody is willing to take over from Mike and organize the renewal.

I started a new thread to discuss https://www.loomio.org/d/In6SlODm/candidates-for-the-ongoing-purpose-of-the-oae-loomio-group


In your response, please indicate if a) you care enough to kick in some money, or b) you would kick in some money if enough other people cared about continuing, or c) you would like to see it continue but can't/won't kick in any money.


Wed 22 Sep


Favorevole - 9

Astenuto - 8

Contrario - 0

Blocco - 0




mike_hales: I believe this remains a significant field, so this open group potentially matters. However, I’ve been financially contributing for a couple of years (still do) so would take others’ contributions as evidence it is in fact worth continuing.


dilgreen: b/ I don't see a great deal of activity here - and am only peripherally engaged if there were, but if this initiative sparks something, then I'd like to help that spark.
otoh, if this initiative makes it clear that people want something, then it might be worth discussing what it is that they do want, in the light of perceived lack of activity (from my perspective at least). Maybe starting a new thing with a more current purpose would be worth considering?


Bob Haugen: Been thinking of what to say here. In response to the question on the table, if enough people wanted to continue (where "enough" is deliberately a judgment call), I would kick in. Since these votes have very limited comment lengths, I'll add another comment below.


Vincenzo Giorgino: C)


[email protected]: I am happy to contribute to share the costs, a) or b).

Alternatively we could ask to have a dedicated space for free, hosted in a likeminded community where several participants are already, like forum.meet.coop ( http://forum.meet.coop ) or the co-tech forum. But easiest maybe to share the cost of a loomio group and stay here in the same space.


Greg Cassel: (c) I'm spread thin and can't contribute directly. I voted "Agree" but I'm not particularly attached to Loomio being the home of this group; I would just consider it unfortunate if there were no persistent discussion forum for OAE. Loomio does seem a good match given the history of OAE.


Tibor Katelbach: I'm for [b]
in 2 weeks we are launching a
commons campaign interface , for people to make donation promisses , we could test an OAE survival campaign to see how many people would promiss donations for the OAE


Lynn Foster: Agree, (b). I'm not sure it would make sense to try to combine with another group, given different group cultures, and given the number of people who are casually here to keep tabs if anything does occasionally happen.


Jim Whitescarver



Arnold Schrijver: I am not active enough here to put in my voice for either direction.


Josh Fairhead:


Forrist Lytehaause: I’m largely an observer at this point.


Miles Thompson: for me it wouldn't be worth money but i guess im probably not the right person to ask..;-)


Esther Payne: I've not been on here enough to form an opinion


Christophe Parot: If we move to Hive and create a community there, we will earn some money each time an author is posting in the community. http://hive.blog can be accessed with mobile app ecency.
We could also move to the opensource social network http://communecter.org


Daniel Harris: The idea of a poll is good. But not having a, b or c represented as options (that we can do analysis on) means that we can see what people think at all. Nice try though. :-)


Tibet Sprague: New to this space, but it feels like a good group here! I want to figure out how the Open App Ecosystem relates to the Collaborative Tech Alliance which I am involved in


Danyl Strype Thu 23 Sep 2021 5:28AM

Just to clarify, when we originally started paying, the deal was that if the renewal is not paid, the group does continue to exist, it just loses certain functions (like making new subgroups). Has that changed? Is the very existence of the group and its archives actually under threat?

For the record, I think it's worth keeping the group open, even just as an irregularly-used flowerbed for community tech cross-pollinators. The various discussion threads might sometimes help people to discover and connect with other projects doing compatible stuff.

Due to a series of major life changes, I'm unable to continue with any of the unpaid work I was doing pre-pandemic. So I'm unlikely to be active in focused ethical tech discussions here (or anywhere else) for the foreseeable, although I do still lurk on the fediverse occasionally and check my email from time to time (which is how I saw this discussion was happening).


Arnold Schrijver Thu 23 Sep 2021 6:28AM

For what its worth there's an ongoing discussion on SocialHub community to standardize Groups for the Fediverse. Other than that Discourse has renewed plans to federate, and starts working on that in 2022. (For me personally Discourse is my favourite software for community discussion, and in comparison I find Loomio's UX severely lacking to the extent I am reluctant to participate)


Danyl Strype Thu 23 Sep 2021 5:08AM

The fediverse is slowly adding "group" functionality

For example, Lemmy is Reddit-a-like that uses ActivityPub but AFAIK it only connects with other Lemmy instances for now, with further work required on their AP implementation to connect to the wider fediverse.

A ready-to-use example is gup.pe, which just creates a group user that other users can @mention and follow.

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