Mon 29 Dec 2014 3:06AM

Posting to contacts belonging to all selected aspects (Conditional AND)

FL François Lamontagne Public Seen by 122

First, I just discovered Diaspora* and I think it's incredible! I'm very excited by this project.

It would be great if we had the option to post to contacts belonging to ALL the selected aspects.

For example if I select the aspects "french" and "politics", I would like that only my contacts who are assigned to both "french" and "politics" received the post.

This should probably not be the default behavior, but having the possibility to do this would allow us to target the audience of a given post even more.

Let me know what you think of this idea.


Camil Fri 2 Jan 2015 7:48PM

@juansantiago I think anyone reading this would feel confused about the way in which confusion is brought in just to prevent people from making diaspora* more interesting ;)


François Lamontagne Sat 3 Jan 2015 3:23AM

Hmm, my idea is starting to look like a no go.

As a french speaking person who also read and write in english on a daily basis, there has always been a feature missing for me in social networks. Sometimes I'd like to send posts to my french speaking contacts only. Other times I'd like to send posts to my english speaking contacts only. And other times I'd like to send post to both.

So at first I thought I could solve this problem with Diaspora's aspects. It kind of works but not if I want to specify a second "real" aspect in my post, for example "politics" or "technology". If I post something with "french" and "politics", my "english" users who are tagged "politics" will also receive the post. It's a problem because if it's written in french, they won't understand and they will most likely remove me from their stream if I keep posting them posts in a language they don't understand.

This is why I had the idea to add this feature basically. There are other use cases but this is the one I had in mind.


y.semin Sat 3 Jan 2015 8:38AM

@flamontagne , I agree with you, and to my mind, it's a good idea. But I think there are more important things to work on at first. Après tout, ce problème est présent sur Facebook également, non ? and it doesn't bother that much fb's users.