
Blog post to explain diaspora*'s source code

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I've started to write a blog post to explain the source code to those who want to contribute to diaspora* here.

As I've still few knowledges about the source code, I'm asking for help to write it. Eventually, it will be published on diaspote.fr.


Faldrian Tue 24 Feb 2015 2:48PM

I think it would be better to enhance the wiki with that information.

Look at this: https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/An_Introduction_to_the_Diaspora_Source

This is half-way to what you are doing - maybe edit that wiki-post or add some more? Blogs are a format where posts are linked to a certain time ... and will fade out of perception when new ones are added. Therefore a wiki is much better suited.


Deleted account Tue 24 Feb 2015 3:11PM

Nothing prevent me for doing both. For now, it is just writing.
Just, a blog post let me adopt a less formal style and be more extensive on certain subject that wouldn't be covered by the wiki (Rails MVC pattern, for instance).


Dumitru Ursu Tue 3 Mar 2015 11:07AM

Maybe we should publish such blog posts here? https://blog.diasporafoundation.org/ You can use informal language on the official blog, I guess? A bit of "centralisation" would help people find the information more easily, and it would reach a wider audience.


Faldrian Tue 3 Mar 2015 11:48AM

@dumitruursu I don't think so... the blog is meant for people who are interested in the project or general announcements - and they don't necessarily understand programming things or are interested in it.

I think that information is better posted somewhere a developer would look or will stumble upon it if interested in the project.


Deleted account Tue 3 Mar 2015 5:50PM

A bit of “centralisation” would help people find the information more easily, and it would reach a wider audience.

This is why the project set up a planet ;)


Jason Robinson Tue 3 Mar 2015 8:22PM

... if only the planet had blog sources...


Deleted account Tue 3 Mar 2015 9:48PM

Well currently, there's no post on diaspote.fr :p
I have not worked on the post since I opened the subject. I am too busy with school :(
Any help is appreciated.