Mon 2 Oct 2017 1:26PM

I'm stepping away from Open Miami for a little while

EH Ernie Hsiung Public Seen by 384

Hi everyone - because I will be traveling often via San Francisco and Miami to attend to family stuff for the next couple of months - and I've been promoted at work - I will no longer be able to effectively run Open Miami. Rather than have it "die," there are still a couple of tasks I'd need folks to handle, if you would like to see the organization continue or at the very least have Open Miami as a place to handle fundraising or donations. I'll list certain actions as polls and will need all of your input.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Poll Created Mon 2 Oct 2017 1:35PM

I propose that Danielle helps creates a letter of intent for the Knight grant process. Closed Thu 5 Oct 2017 2:13PM

This is an e-mail sent from Chris Caines:

> You also mentioned the National day of Civic Hacking request for $15,000. In past years, we’ve paid out through our Donor Advised Fund at The Miami Foundation. However, Matt spent our allotment of funds there before leaving, so this will need to go through the full grant process.

> Here’s what I recommend: submit a Letter of Inquiry through Fluxx to officially start the grant process. Give me a unifying theme that connects National Day of Civic Hacking with DiscoTech (demystifying complex processes; engaging citizens in the innovation ecosystem to the end of advance the entire community; etc.), but don’t worry about it being completely fleshed out. In terms of total grant amount, you tell me what you need to get this accomplished comfortably and we’ll work from there. Another possibility is doing a multi-year grant to help Open Miami reach sustainability.

> I’ll then formally request a full proposal. You think about whether it makes sense to specifically focus the open data piece on entrepreneurs (something I can more seamlessly advocate for within Knight) or just leave it out for now as well as that unifying theme for the other pieces. Then, submit a draft of the proposal on Fluxx. I’ll look at it, send back with feedback, we talk it through and then I’ll kick it forward.

I've officially called out Danielle to start the process because if I do not, this will fall through the cracks. Danielle if you are unable to do it, do a "block," but please come up with a specific proposal instead.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 EH DU DD SJ
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 13 GB AO CS DU JK LC KG YM EE CS MD DM JK

4 of 17 people have participated (23%)


Ernie Hsiung
Mon 2 Oct 2017 1:36PM

I nominated Danielle because she has done some grant writing before, but if you would prefer to do it instead, feel free to vote Disagree with your thoughts.