Tue 9 Oct 2018 4:29AM

Funding a SHAP clinical evaluation kit for an e-NABLE clinical study in South Florida (Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Miami, FL)

CC Chad Coarsey Public Seen by 82

Research Funding Proposal: Scan2Make, The Bionic Glove Project et al.

-Proposal Background

The Bionic Glove Project, a registered 501 c3, has worked over the last 9 months to develop a novel five (5) year pilot study evaluating the efficacy of 3-D scanning for custom fitting of eNABLE devices and designing novel devices to increase access to 3-D printed orthotic and prosthetic devices to upper limb amputees. BGP is sponsoring the clinical trial and has assumed all costs for preparation. This research utilizes a multidisciplinary team in conjunction with pediatricians, orthopedists, orthotists/prosthetists, physical therapists, case workers,other e-NABLE chapters such as Handling the Future, 501 c3 (Tampa Bay area), and other clinical partners.

The clinical trial, entitled Scan2make has recently been given a greenlight for IRB approval (submitted independently by Nicklaus Children's Hospital) pending finalization of research agreements; however, in anticipation of the study, we are moving forward with our research funding request with the idea that the trial shall begin in December 2018 or January 2019. This will also allow us to finalize enrollment the clinical study on the FDA’s clinicaltrials.gov.

A critical part of this study will use a well-documented, standard clinical evaluation tool called the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP) (http://www.shap.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ ). Previously, our research collaborator has used this kit for evaluations of users with neurotrauma, and is an ideal clinical evaluator with 23 different options to test dexterity, grip, control, etc. for device testing in this study as well. We are seeking assistance to funding of £ 2050 ($2665) to purchase a kit, which will be provided to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital to evaluate e-NABLE devices and customized solutions for upper limb amputees in a clinical settings. The biggest aims are to evaluate the many different designs and fitting practices for a wide range of varying upper limb amputees, and understand where there may be an ideal device or practice for specific clinical case types. The e-NABLE community will also gain access to the protocols and will be informed regularly on updates. Many of the SHAP objects can be replicated, and another aim of this will be to identify the applicable SHAP tests that e-NABLE makers can perform for gaining feedback on previous and custom-made devices. A quality of life survey, PedsQL, will be administered to ascertain psychosocial feedback as well from the user.


The South Florida area has a population of over 6.6 million people (1), and The Bionic Glove Project has been approached with over 10 potential cases in the last year ranging from the the West and East coast of South Florida, 7 were deemed eligible for devices, of which 4 were e-NABLE devices including the Team UnLimited Arm, Raptor Reloaded 2 hand, and Phoenix V2 hand. One in five thousand children are born with a genetic birth defect which affects the growth of their hand(s), one in twenty thousand are born with hand defect caused by their arm, hand or fingers being occluded and constricted by the amniotic sac known as Amniotic Band Syndrome (2) Regarding congenital limb amputation, anomalies affecting only the hand plate accounted for 62% (296) of the malformations. Of these, radial polydactyly (15%) was the most common specific anomaly, followed by symbrachydactyly (13%) and cleft hand (11%) (2,3). Additionally, other cases which have presented include central deficiency which there have been 0.52/10,000 cases of this nature are reported annually. (3,4) It is then estimated that there are over two million amputees in the US ten million people worldwide (5,6) are in need some form of hand supplementation using a Personal Assistive Device , be it an e-NABLE or custom made design. This is apparent as healthcare costs for amputees are on the order of over 35% greater than able-bodied persons over their lifetime (5,6,7). This motivates a solution for adaptive devices that are low-cost and custom to the user. Furthermore, additional limitations are increased with physiological variation within the multiple degrees of congenital and acquired amputations, and further complicates the ability to streamline an active process for rapid prototyping and directly 3-D printing prosthetics with good manufacturing practice for upper limb amputees. This highlights the need to develop a strategy that can overcome this major barrier to provide custom-fit prosthetic solutions. To address this need, 3D scanning has been used in a clinical setting for both orthotics (8) and for prosthetic devices (9) to develop custom sockets and attachments for upper limb amputees (10).

The Bionic Glove project is committed to finding the best custom-fit orthotic and prosthetic devices for patients, while holding their safety and quality of care to the highest regard. They team with local medical, pediatric, orthopedic, and orthotist and prosthetist specialists to develop tools to address challenges for providing custom fit prosthetics for patients in the South Florida community. Previously, using 3-D scanning, the BGP has made customized flexible sockets for myoelectric integration (http://bit.ly/2Obc0AK), customized orthotic devices for e-NABLE cases without a custom or premade solution such as for cases with central deficiency (case 507) (http://bit.ly/2PmZgU5) or complex amniotic band syndrome (http://bit.ly/2IKT5a6). Therein, a standardized process can be developed using low-cost 3-D scanning and CAD to deliver a customized 3-D printed device for typical and unique upper limb amputee cases. To evaluate the efficacy of functional prosthetics, standardized clinical tests, like SHAP, test can be applied to measure the the degrees of freedom, functionality and quality of life for each case. Thus a full clinical trial is warranted to understand the benefits of integrating 3-D scanning and printing technologies for increasing access to customized prosthetic technology to upper limb amputees

-Budget Request
Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure kit to provide to Nicklaus Children's Hospital (Miami, FL) Cost: £2050.00 ($2665.00).


Research Plan:

Phase Timeline of Design Study by Year
Timeline figure: http://bit.ly/2ype3X9

A pilot study will attempt to recruit 50 participants from South Florida, which will take place over a five (5) year pilot period to allow for time for recruitment, due to the relatively low incidence of congenital hand deformities. The scanning technology used is widely commercially available, low cost and optimal for versatile point-of-care application. Initially this technology will be adopted into a design process, incorporating other CAD tools to enable a powerful and standard method of rendering custom fit prosthetics. Participant recruitment will begin following a formulized standard scanning and design strategy. Next, a toolset of parts that can be adapted to the 3-D scan will then be created. Once enrollment begins, participants will be asked to be evaluated for a prosthetic and 3-D scanned, then fitted. Non-adult participants (ages 2-17) will be asked to perform the PedsQL Measurement Model for the Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) two weeks after fitting, and participants thirteen (13) and older will be asked to perform a SHAP test to evaluate the ability of the custom fit prosthetic.

Research Methods:

Research Study Participant Involvement Timeline by Month
Timeline figure: http://bit.ly/2E9XhBm

First, after the potential participant has contacted the P.I. and expressed interest in the study, the participant or parent/guardian will be given an initial questionnaire via mail in a pre-stamped, self-addressed envelope, upon receiving interest in recruitment.

Within two (2) weeks, the Bionic Glove Project (BGP) will arrange for a clinical visit to ensure the participant meets all criteria to enter the study. This will involve likely a one (1) hour visit to the clinician office or at FAU. The participant will be asked to travel to the chosen clinic closest to the participant’s location.

If the participant meets all appropriate criteria, they will then be 3-D scanned. The scanning can take up to twenty (20) minutes and can be done at the clinic after evaluation. Alternatively, if the participant would like to request another appointment for 3-D scanning at Dr. Erik Engeberg’s BioRobotics Lab or another partner clinic they can do so. The prosthetic will be created from the participant’s 3-D scan using computer design software and will be printed out and assembled.

Once ready six (6) weeks from the participant’s initial scan, the participant will be asked to meet at a chosen clinic or at the BGP for a fitting. This can take up to one (1) hour, and consists of ensuring the prosthetic fits, using patient-feedback to enhance padding for their desired custom fit. The participant will also be instructed to use and care for their prosthetic.

Additionally, Teen and Adult participants, aged thirteen (13) or older, will be asked to perform a physical evaluation using the Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP). This procedure will be conducted in five (5) minute intervals with ten (10) minutes of rest in between each trial attempt. The participant will be asked to perform a total number of four (4) trials for a total of one (1) hour.

The participant will be followed up two (2) weeks after the fitting to follow-up on the prosthetic and will be requested to complete a twenty (20) minute mail-in survey (PedsQL) depending on age of the participant, sent to the participant or participant’s parents/guardians for evaluation of the prosthetic, via mail in a pre-stamped, self-addressed envelope.

The participant will receive no financial compensation but will be able to keep the custom fit prosthetic for free, and have access to free future custom fit prosthetics, if desired, even if participation is ended prior to study completion.

Analysis Plan:

Analysis shall be three-fold. The first will be a quantitative measure of the ability to make the prosthetics with be measure in terms of time from scan to fitting the patient, materials and extra support hardware (e.g. machine screws, straps, 7x7 leader wire, wire crimps, and 3/8-inch rubber bands), and the burden of labor documented for each step in the design process.

Secondly, If the participant is age 2-18, parents the will be asked to fill out PedsQL Measurement Model for the Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Parent Report for either Toddlers (ages 2-4), Young Children (ages 5-7), Children ages (8-12), or Teen (ages 13-18). Child (ages 8-12) and Teen participants (ages 13-18), will be asked to either take the PedsQL Child Report (ages 8-12) or Teen Report (ages 13-18), respectively. These are standardized, verified quality of life surveys. Parents/guardians of participants will be asked to complete surveys after informed consent is obtained. Surveys will be sent out and collected via mail in a pre-stamped, self-addressed envelope. Survey data will be stored in a locked drawer located in the BGP’s office.

Assessments Utilized by age:
PedsQL Parent Report
PedsQL Parent Report
PedsQL Parent and Child Report
PedsQL Parent and Teen Report, SHAP Test

Finally, Teen and Adult participants, ages thirteen (13) and older will be asked to conduct a Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure (SHAP) test, where they will be asked to perform various tasks including: grasping various objects on a flat surface and picking them up and place them into a target space or conveying a specific function such as rotating a screw or squeezing an irregular object.


The BGP has all of the equipment necessary for this research, including 3-D printers, hardware, access to computers for CAD rendering and scanning infrastructure. Including P.I., Dr. Erik Engeberg of the FAU BioRobotics Lab, Dr. Patricia Anastasio M.D. of Pediatric Associates of Boca, Richard Brown, DO, of Handling the Future, Inc., Dr. Aaron Berger, MD. Ph.D., of Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, and David Falk, LPO CPO of Falk Prosthetics & Orthotics, John Calloway of Halo Technologies, LLC. and Christopher Scull or Delta Design, LLC. will be staff on this study. Clinical services such as physicals and fittings may be rendered at these locations. Any kind of social or medical services are extremely unlikely to be needed, but are within short distance of the Boca Raton FAU campus and any of the off-site locations.

Pediatric Associates of Boca, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, and Falk Prosthetics & Orthotics; At these clinics sites, clinicians may use X-rays to help evaluate if the participant meets the study criteria.

Halo Technologies, LLC., Delta Design, LLC., are engineering manufacturers that will offer knowledge and expertise in CAD and 3-D Scanning and printing of rendered custom fit prosthetics.
Handling the Future, Inc. consists of a group of senior e-NABLE volunteers that fabricate and deliver 3-D printed prosthetics to amputees. They will contribute their subject-matter expertise, assist in scanning and socket fabrication and delivery.


Innovation and Technology Development:

The study will lead to a standardized 3-D scanning technique for developing custom-fit 3-D printed orthotics and prosthetics and evaluated in clinical settings

Indirectly, case-specific prosthetics that are not currently being met with e-NABLE device designs will be made and delivered open-source.

Current e-NABLE devices will also have the opportunity to be evaluated in the clinical setting, dependent on case presentation, and tested through use of the SHAP .

SHAP tests that can be implemented on e-NABLE devices for clinical testing will be identified, and made available to the community.

-Community Engagement and Pedagogical Development

Promote local university and high school student volunteers enabling access to those with limb difference in the South Florida and contribute to global e-NABLE Community.

Allow student access to new and beneficial technology, and teaching them the importance of integrating such useful technologies in the most helpful of ways.

Creation of a platform for inquiry-based learning which incorporates the most effective and creative teaching practices to drive an environment capable of fostering passion and developing innovation.


US Census, 2016 visited 9/26, https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=PEP_2016_PEPANNRES&amp;prodType=table

Charles A. Goldfarb, Lindley B. Wall, Deborah C. Bohn, Patrick Moen, Ann E. Van Heest, Epidemiology of Congenital Upper Limb Anomalies in a Midwest United States Population: An Assessment Using the Oberg, Manske, and Tonkin Classification, The Journal of Hand Surgery, Volume 40, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 127-132.e2, ISSN 0363-5023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhsa.2014.10.038.

Koskimies E, Lindfors N, Gissler M, Peltonen J, Nietosvaara Y. Congenital upper limb deficiencies and associated malformations in Finland: a population-based study. J Hand Surg [Am] 2011;36:1058–1065.; Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4094123/

Dy, Christopher J., Ishaan Swarup, and Aaron Daluiski. "Embryology, diagnosis, and evaluation of congenital hand anomalies."Current reviews in musculoskeletal medicine 7.1 (2014): 60-67.) Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24515896

Ziegler‐Graham K, MacKenzie EJ, Ephraim PL, Travison TG, Brookmeyer R. Estimating the Prevalence of Limb Loss in the United States: 2005 to 2050. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2008;89(3):422‐9.

Center for Health S. Ambulatory and Inpatient Procedures in the United States, 1996. Hyattsville, Md.: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics; 1998.

HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS). Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2009.

Volonghi, Paola, Gabriele Baronio, and Alberto Signoroni. "3D scanning and geometry processing techniques for customised hand orthotics: an experimental assessment." Virtual and Physical Prototyping 13.2 (2018): 105-116.

Liacouras, Peter C., et al. "Using computed tomography and 3D printing to construct custom prosthetics attachments and devices." 3D printing in medicine 3.1 (2017): 8.

Tian, Li, et al. "A Methodology to Model and Simulate Customized Realistic Anthropomorphic Robotic Hands." Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2018. ACM, 2018.


Chad Coarsey Mon 15 Oct 2018 3:25AM

See my previous e-mail I just sent you


Chad Coarsey Mon 15 Oct 2018 4:24AM

If you read my previous response, I have stated that my non-profit company, The Bionic Glove Project, is carrying a general and Products liability insurance and is NOT depending on e-NABLE to cover this. This is $1,000,000 and $2,000,000, respectively. We are asking e-NABLE to only assist with one aspect (critical nonetheless) of funding and the BGP, being sponsor/investigator, and Nicklaus Children's Hospital investigator Dr. Berger assumes ALL liability. We are also offering NCH the option to be additionally insured through our policy in good faith (pending finalization of the clinical research agreement )
We have an approved Institutional Review Board protocol that includes the informed consent process. We have allowed the ages 2-65 to be involved as participants and there are varying degrees of forms depending on the age-appropriate cognition. Participants under 18 will have a parents sign an assent form as well. We are not enrolling anyone who is a prisoner/incarcerated or anyone who is mentally-incapacitated or non-cognizant. The forms are either sent out and signed and notarized, and sent back to us, and when they come to the clinic, the forms are read to them. This is after the participant (or guardian) reaches out in response to a research flier, that details all the aspects, benefits and risks of the research. The consent forms again vary depending on age, for ages 5-7 for instance the description of the study is in plain English. Alternatively, participants that are referred by clinicians have the flier, and can sign consent forms in the clinic, and those are also read to them at that point-of-care. BGP will not be using the participants in any gain other than that they produce the valuable clinical and psychosocial data we expect as an outcome. This is also explained in the consent process. The participants may quit the study any time without penalty and still keep their device, and can request future devices if wanted. Again, this is explained in the informed consent process.
If you are not familiar, your concerns should alleviated as we must have IRB approval before the study is sent. IRB committees oversee any human research in any level of human involvement. They have stringent guidelines set forth by the HHS that are adhered too and scrutinize the submitted research protocol just as you are doing, prior to any enrollment of a clinical study. This IRB approval is something I mentioned in the beginning of the proposal, so again, rest assured. Nicklaus Children Hospital, as the investigator and site of the study is responsible for the IRB approval, and since we have all met these benchmarks, we are pursuing funding in anticipation that the clinical research agreement will be finalized within the next 4 weeks.


Rich B Mon 15 Oct 2018 1:44PM

I hate to jump into a good intellectual debate, but I see an assumption that the results will limit device use. Perhaps it will increase use. Case in point, our HTF chapter of e-NABLE went to the Tampa Shriners Hospital and was closed out of giving help because of IRB's restricting the use of materials and use not functionally tested...this could open a new door!


Jon Schull Tue 16 Oct 2018 2:17AM

Patrick, unanimity is not required, rubber-stamping not encouraged. You should feel free to Disagree or Abstain. I appreciate your diligence.


Chad Coarsey Tue 16 Oct 2018 2:38AM

The idea comes from e-NABLE volunteers, not a Hospital. We approached them...

We are not preventing access to devices for anyone.

However, in general, research on humans in vulnerable situations is discouraged for many reasons. I encourage you to read the 1974 Belmont Report. It is available on the US HHS website. We are involving children in this study which are a vulnerable population (incognizant). The benefits outweigh the risks as these devices are also intended for pediatric cases. This is also why as I laid out that there is a detailed informed consent and assent process. We are not researching on incarcerated individuals because neither I nor the hospital has access to these cases. But still does not bar them for upper limb devices. Please understand the distinction between research and commercialization here. We also are not targeting developmentally delayed or unconscious individuals as research requires us to justify benefit over potential risk and part of our inclusion criteria states that the users must be able to be approved by a clinician for a device. If those individuals are unable, they are at more risk of harm than potential benefit. This again is all in the context of RESEACH, not commericalizing products.


Chad Coarsey Tue 16 Oct 2018 2:40AM

This is incorrect. I said my company, the Bionic Glove Project, a non-profit and ecpected to disclose financial records, is assuming ALL COSTS


Chad Coarsey Tue 16 Oct 2018 2:42AM

We are literally e-NABLE volunteers testing devices, i have said this to you in your first question.


Chad Coarsey Tue 16 Oct 2018 4:40AM

  1. Yes, see my above comments already addressing this. We are embracing collaboration.

  2. The hospital is donating the site, the physician and their services, including clinical evaluation of each case for free, including a physical and any diagnostic tools (i.e. x-rays ultrasound, etc.). The hospital as the site and the prinicipal investigator employed by the hospital assumes liability. They also assume any costs associated with follow up care and specialist referrals where applicable.

Cost breakdown

  1. One SHAP kit - £2050

This is a clinical research tool as I have stated. The proposal is evaluating e-NABLE devices, that are being created by my company for every participant in the study, comprising of e-NABLE volunteers. We are applying for funding as Sponsors of the trial which we initiated. This is exactly in accordance of why this fund was established.

Now personally, I have one hand, and its hurting now from these justifications you demand. I am now repeating a lot of the above proposal, comments addressed to others, and comments to you. I cannot make this simpler to you in writing. Call me tomorrow (10/16) after 2pm EST, if you still have reservations to give you a clearer answer to your questions instead of this back and forth. I would sincerely appreciate that. 7048805577


Leland Green Tue 16 Oct 2018 11:59AM

Hey Patrick, I believe Chad is only asking for help with purchasing the SHAP test device. I admit, I had to google it. This merely is a tool that Chad will have available for e-NABLE testing from now on to asses e-NABLE devices. http://www.shap.ecs.soton.ac.uk/

IMO, he's done due-diligence by lining up the first (excellent) evaluation, or "use case". The mentions of the clinic, doctors and all. That's merely one step in the long road that he plans to travel! :slight_smile:

Maybe this will help convince you. Or maybe you already understood all that. Either way, this is a summary of why I voted yes.


Chad Coarsey Tue 16 Oct 2018 7:31PM

@danceupon any chance to call?

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