Fri 22 Jun 2018 5:49AM

Place to dicuss the formation of the Tech Admin Ops Team proposal.

RB Robert Benjamin Public Seen by 24

Put up a proposal after a round of poll feedback to facilitate the formation the Tech Admin Ops team. Open to feedback and adjustments to proposal as needed.



Robert Benjamin Tue 3 Jul 2018 5:10PM

@wulee are open to being nominated for the Coordinator position? @matthewcropp nominated you for the Infrastrucrue position as well. There is nothing that says a member can't hold 2 positions if necessary either way the are both key.

@matthewcropp any ideas on how to get the word out on this. The response has been low so far and not sure many are seeing it.


Nick S Tue 3 Jul 2018 9:26PM

Broadly yes, I think I will have time and skills to spare. As I said, I'll see what I can do.


Robert Benjamin Tue 3 Jul 2018 5:27PM

CC'ng those that previously expressed interest (on @mayel poll) in joining the Tech Admin Ops Team. Nominations are open for (2) Coordinators (2) Critical Infrastructure Maintenance Developers (1-10) Project Developers -

There are 4 critical position to fill and a per project crew which would be a great place for those wanting to learn/teach with less responsiblity. If you can't commit please reach out to any other member you think would like to be a part of the team.

@gregcerna @michelslm @dp @stevehanson1 @christinahendricks @jeremyapthorp @robin012 @karlschultheisz @strypey @aaronwagener @h @dixongexpat @fardog @bilbono @edwardlplatt @idmyn @wakest @christianbundy @jankoscielniak


Edward L Platt Tue 3 Jul 2018 7:06PM

I have the time and skill to help out, but I have to admit, I've lost track of what's going on amongst all the messages. How do I express interest in a position?


Robert Benjamin Wed 4 Jul 2018 12:31AM

Excellent. Just add your self as an option to one or more of the 3 open positions in the Polls on the right.


Ed Summers @edsu Sat 7 Jul 2018 10:29AM

I am interested in contributing as one of the project developers. I have worked as a software developer (mostly web) for the last 20 years, and have also spent much of that time administering Linux systems in the process. I have some experience with Docker and Ruby software stacks which could be useful for the social.coop Mastodon deployment. Generally I think what social.coop. I would like to learn more about how platform cooperatives do their work and would be able to work about 5 hours per week since I have a full time job and am also a PhD student (studying web archives).


Nick S Sat 7 Jul 2018 5:45PM

Just a thought, maybe the roles we advertise and the roles on this list of jobs to do should be matched up:


My intention there was to keep things as simple as possible, but split things in terms of general skill level/admin access required. i.e. A small number of people with rare skill-sets / access to sensitive places, and a larger number of people who can help without needing those.

Not sure exactly how this goes, perhaps:
- Critical Infrastructure admin dev/coordinators = server admin/dev
- Project developers = web admin/dev

In my scheme, the four main roles are a multipilcation of
- "admin" means "needs admin role/password" and
- "dev" means "doesn't need admin role".
- "server" means needs an ssh account on the servers, and
- "web" means needs an account on some software (e.g. Mastodon, GitLab)

I'm also thinking that a lot of the early work will be researching and documenting the jobs/processes fully, so the know-how can be picked up by newcomers easily.

Comments welcome.


Robert Benjamin Sat 7 Jul 2018 8:55PM

That makes sense. So kinds of the things would a "web developer" be working on?


Nick S Sat 7 Jul 2018 9:51PM

Weeeell "developer" isn't the right term to be frank. In retrospect. What I mean is someone who could administer/config GUI apps like Drupal, WordPress, and I suppose, Mastodon. (i.e. minimal Linux CLI know-how required.) "Web administrator"?


fardog Mon 9 Jul 2018 2:13PM

Hey y'all; I'm one of the folks that helped get mastodon running again a few days back and I'm definitely down to help out, but I find Loomio pretty exhausting so I don't participate here much. It's really difficult to figure out what's going on.

That said, I'm willing to act as a stand-in for a maintenance developer, but my time's often very limited so I'm hesitant to throw my name on the poll as I feel like I'd be committing to something where I'm unlikely to hold up my end of the commitment. If folks can deal with me being somewhat absentee though, I can definitely throw in my tech skills when I'm available.

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