
The 2030 Agenda is agreed: What is your first reaction?

C Coordinator Public Seen by 366

Dear friends and colleagues,

As most of you will know, the countries have now agreed on the final text for the new agenda: Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.

First of all, thank you and congratulations to all of you who have worked so hard over the past years for an ambitious and transformative agenda.

Second, we are curious to hear your thoughts and feelings about the final text. Is it ambitious enough? Does it cover the key challenges we face? Does it succeed in bringing people and planet to the center? What is good and what is missing?

Please share your thoughts below!

UPDATE! Here is the final version of 'Transforming our World Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development': https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/7891Transforming%20Our%20World.pdf


Takumo Yamada Tue 4 Aug 2015 5:05PM

Hanna and all

The text you put the link to is not exactly the finally adopted version - there were a couple of further changes made.

I think the UN is too tired to put the final version up.
We will see when they will.

Our reaction to the outcome document is:
Broadly welcome - hope this will guide policies of all governments going forward, but for that to happen, we need to press governments to truly integrate the SDGs in their national strategies and plans, finance them and protect civil society space.

Also, the agenda will not achieve much unless coupled with efforts - or political struggle rather - to reduce extreme economic inequality that corrodes our societies, politically, economically, socially and environmentally.

The leave no one behind mantra is great and necessary, but it is only half the picture. We would have liked to see a post 2015 agenda that focused on both extreme wealth and extreme poverty as two concurrent symptoms of one dysfunctional society, through the lens of extreme inequality of power, wealth and resources.

People are pondering how to "communicate" the agenda to the general public. I think a way to do it is to make the agenda relevant to the public consciousness around "the 1% and the rest of us".

Takumo Yamada


Coordinator Wed 5 Aug 2015 7:55AM

Dear @takumoyamada thanks for highlighting that this text is not the final version. Does anyone have the final version? If so, please share it here.

I also agree with you on the need to put pressure on governments to integrate SDGs in their national strategies. One important task at hand is to make sure that ambitious national implementation plans are developed and that civil society are included as a partner in this process in all countries.

If anyone has already started this work in your national context, please share your experiences with the rest of us.

we need to press governments to truly integrate the SDGs in their national strategies and plans, finance them and protect civil society space.


Takumo Yamada Wed 5 Aug 2015 2:39PM


As of now the final version has not been put on the UN website.

The last I heard was that they were finalising it, reflecting the last minute changes and also probably working on the indents and all those details to make it look perfect.

Or they are just completely knackered and gone on holidays!



Kholisile Dingiswayo Thu 6 Aug 2015 10:20AM

Thanks Hanna and Takumo for enlightening us on these important issues. As new members we are very keen to learn the ropes from you guys. In the meantime, and while the version availed by Hanna is still the only one at our disposal we will study the same and acquaint ourselves with its contents.


DOSSE SOSSOUGA Fri 7 Aug 2015 9:54AM

I do not wait for the adoption time in september before making awareness about the SDGs. On May 16, 2015 we invited Government members to the international day for citizen engagement for the sustainable development goals.We, already, begun the lobbying toward diplomatic information to the Head of state and Government, to Ministers in order to prepare them to accept the sustainable development agenda after september and integrate it in theirs policies.
The results of this actions are that the Government programme approved by Deputy Assembly is " Priority to inclusion, reforms and Togo diplomatic positions in the world" Togo-press No 9567 june 30, 2015.


David Kirshbaum Fri 7 Aug 2015 2:01PM

Greetings Everyone: your efforts and words are truly inspiring and thought-provoking.

Thus I see 3 areas where we need to develop strategies and action plans:

  1. With governments - to encourage them and work with them on implementing the SDGs they agreed to.

  2. With the public - to educate them about the SDGs to inspire them to get involved. This includes NGOs not yet involved with the UN system but whom are working on the issues covered by the SDGs.

  3. Civil Society - we need to organize ourselves to maximize our effectiveness - with our outreach to the above target audiences, with the issues we are concerned about, and with our working together to reach shared goals.

A book could be written on each of these topics. So let's begin. Here are some initial thoughts on each one.

  1. Governments - begin a dialog about best practices for what works best when working with the governments. also begin building coalitions and partnerships within the countries structured in such a way as to match the breakdown of the goals themselves. Become familiar with the funding options for the goals because this is of major concern to the governments.

  2. Public - develop outreach partnernships focused on different segments of the public and different issues covered by the goals. Include in the partnerships DPI-NGOs who are focused on talking to the pubic about the UN. Partner with communications experts.

  3. Civil Society - develop an inclusive structure for all of civil society. Organize according to goals as well as regions. Maximize communications between us within the context of this organization. Focus on developing action plans along these lines. Look at ways to accomplish this without reinventing the wheel.

These are just a few ideas. What do you all think?


DOSSE SOSSOUGA Fri 7 Aug 2015 4:33PM

  • Build Govenment confidence , Know well the SDGs and it's targets and convaince government autorities to integret them into its policies.. Lobbing to Governments, traditional and religious autorities.
  • Public: Develope citizens engagement for the SDGs with public awareness, meetings, conferences, forums, education.

  • Civil Society: Collaborate with experts, create Civil Society network for each goal, if necessary, with inclusive polices at national level and local level.


DOSSE SOSSOUGA Fri 7 Aug 2015 4:49PM

  • So, for goverment, traditional, religious autority strategies plan are the lobbyings,
  • Public strategies plan are: raise public awareness, meetings, conferenes, forums and education
  • Civil society strategy plan: CSO network (national or international), solidarity, transparency, accountability, hierrachie respect, finance mobilisation, mutual confidence. Create an entity for civil society problem resolution.

DOSSE SOSSOUGA Fri 7 Aug 2015 5:02PM

I forget, CSO must work with medias


David Kirshbaum Fri 7 Aug 2015 5:06PM

Civil Society: let's not reinvent the wheel - let's utilize the 9 Major Groups structure to maintain communications amongst the Major Stakeholders, and let's utilize the NGO Major Group to organize civil society in.

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