Wed 6 Aug 2014 11:57AM

List of feature requests / todo's

MVD Melroy van den Berg Public Seen by 115

Hi there,

My name is Melroy van den Berg, a new developer of Diaspora*. Below I setup a list of to-do's for me and I hope that other Diaspora users and developers want to help me as well, to make Diaspora a success!!

Software feature requests:

  • Remove spaces before & after of the search input (a.k.a. trim).
  • Implement DHT (Distributed hash table), to search users in a decentralised system.
  • Improve common search (boolean expression searches).
  • Improve admin user search by adding wildcards in query, so you do not need to enter the exact full name.
  • Switch language based on IP-address (if not yet already implemented correctly...)
  • Create a new Android app (the current Android app is 2 years old, never updated since)
  • Uploading video's in a decebtralised way, see: MediaGoblin.
  • Make it possible to create 'pages' (like Google+/Facebook) for a company, organisation, product, community, ...
  • Make it possible to add a group discussion (several people) instead of only private conversation

GUI changes:

  • Add more color to the header & website, less gloomy
  • Add more icons to menu-items (like, Stream Icon, Activities Icon, Like Icon) and such. This makes it more accessible, to find recognize the feature and adds more color.
  • Improve stream page on mobile (currently blank page). Atleast add an one-liner like "Currently no messages" and a direct link to the publisher. Always better than an empty page.
  • Add wysiwyg editor for markdown
  • Create a beautiful and user friendly welcome page (both mobile & desktop): a _show.html.haml.example which can be re-named.
  • Order stream post by date, importants, publicity, ...
  • Replace captcha code by a better alternative.

Text changes:

  • Change text "Switch" to "Wissel" in Dutch language.

I'd love to hear what you think about it.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Melroy van den Berg
[email protected]
Webmaster, Software Developer & Designer


Anahuac Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:01PM

Fantastic! Sorry if I can't help developing, but I love the list of corrections and new features. Doing it all plus the chat, D* will become absolutely fantastic!


Melroy van den Berg Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:03PM

@anahuac thanks for your fast reply :)


Faldrian Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:05PM

You may want to check the issue-list ( https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/issues ) and comment / add on existing issues or create new ones.
This text-list won't be of much use, better work with the bugtracker diaspora uses. There you can get comments and discussions on every item itself instead of the whole list.


Faldrian Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:06PM

For Translations look at https://webtranslateit.com/en/projects/3020-Diaspora and subscribe to modify the dutch language.


Melroy van den Berg Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:09PM

@faldrian I will do that eventually. I will create new issues on GH or comment on existings and change the translation on webtranslateit.


Flaburgan Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:27PM


First, you have to know that diaspora* is a "do-ocraty": those who are ready to invest themselves and build things will be the ones who will really decide how the software evolve.

I start by saying that because we have many wishlist everywhere (github, loomio, the wiki...) and a wish list is just useless if nobody is going to work on it.

I know you already set up a pod and so you're not here to say "you should do that" but "I'd like to see that so I'm going to make it" and that's really awesome.

About your list:

Create a new Android app (the current Android app is 2 years old, never updated since)

We don't think that build an app for a specific plateform is a good idea. The Web is the plateform. So improve the mobile version would be way more useful. (I'm going to write a blogpost about that pretty soon).

Make it possible to create ‘pages’ (like Google+/Facebook) for a company, organisation, product, community, …

We don't have the restriction that facebook has, "a profile has to be own by a person". Why does the actual profil would not fit the needs of a company, organisation... ? (There are already some on diaspora*, like Jolla, Fairphone, Mozilla FR..). If you think about something which is missing, why not adding it to every profile instead of create a new type of profile?

Make it possible to add a group discussion (several people) instead of only private conversation

Are you talking here about groups like Facebook?


goob Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:32PM

Hi Melroy, and welcome to Diaspora. It's great that you want to help improve the software, and it looks as though you have lots of ideas already.

Did you read the article on using Loomio? There's a link to it on the home page of this group. Loomio is for discussion about the future direction of the project, and voting on proposals relating to that. It's not for keeping track of wish lists or to-do lists. Individual ideas for feature development which are potentially controversial or require discussion in order to make them workable can be discussed in Loomio, in the Feature proposals sub-group.

For specific issues that can be or are being worked on, we use Github as our issue tracker. If you look around you'll find that most of the items in your list have been suggested previously.

There is a current Android app, called Pusteblume. The one you found was abandoned several years ago. Anyone can create an app for Diaspora (and people have done so, as you can see) but the official project approach is to make the mobile interface within a browser so good that it works really well on all devices, rather than trying to create apps for each type of device. The people who are doing most of the work on the mobile interface are Flaburgan and taratatach, so it's worth contacting them if you want to work on this.

You can already include 20 people (or possibly 25, I can't remember) in a private conversation. I haven't read through your list carefully, I just noticed these two, but there might be other issues that are already in existence.

I've agreed to work on a better splash page (_show.haml) with Pablo Cúbico, who's a designer. You'd be welcome to join in that effort (we haven't actually managed to do anything on it yet).

Some of your items, such as 'Add more color to the header & website, less gloomy' and 'Order stream posts by ... publicity', you will find there is a lot of opposition to, including from myself. The minimalism of Diaspora's interface is one of its great features, and adding colour would weaken it in my opinion. Let the content shine through! Also I'm not keen on ranking posts by publicity, because that's something for the ad- and marketing-driven commodity networks, which is something Diaspora isn't. If you look around Loomio you'll find previous discussions on many of these issues.

Have a look at the Loomio article mentioned on the home page, and also at our guide to starting to contribute, and I look forward to seeing your contributions in the future!


Florian Staudacher Wed 6 Aug 2014 12:59PM

I would love to see some of the things on that list :)

just fyi, the admin user search now already does a 'LIKE %name%' search in the current develop branch, so you can probably cross that one off


Jason Robinson Wed 6 Aug 2014 6:44PM

Welcome @melroyvandenberg - looking forward to seeing commits :) We build this together!


Melroy van den Berg Thu 7 Aug 2014 8:19AM

Are you talking here about groups like Facebook?
No I was talking chat groups, but groups in common would be a nice feature whatever the implementation will be. I know a person is busy building XMPP feature.

The minimalism of Diaspora’s interface is one of its

great features, and adding colour would weaken it in my
opinion. Let the content shine through!

Templates is a good alternative, so the podadmin can choose a template which is used on the site.

just fyi, the admin user search now already does a ‘LIKE %name%’ search
in the current develop branch, so you can probably cross that one off

Already fixed one thing without coding! ahahahah ;)

Thanks all for your replies.