Tue 16 Oct 2018 5:45PM

Radical Routes gathering (17th-18th November)

SG Steve Graby Public Seen by 81

Hi all, I was just wondering if there would be any workers'/trading co-ops meetings or skill sharing sessions etc at the upcoming Radical Routes gathering in Manchester on 17th/18th November?
I'm thinking about going but if possible I would like to know which day the stuff relevant to workers' co-ops will be on, as there are other things happening that weekend as well that I would like to be able to get to if possible (so was thinking I would potentially spend one day at the RR gathering and the other day elsewhere).

TypeOlogy Workers' Co-operative


Steve Graby Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:23PM

I just got hold of the gathering agenda, and it appears that all the trading co-ops stuff is happening on the Sunday:

8.30 am Breakfast
9.00 Workshops, working groups and Trading Co-ops Forum
12.00 (a) Lunch for main gathering
(b) Workshops for Trading Co-ops
1.00 (a) Lunch for Trading Co-ops
(b) Business meeting (open to everyone)
1. Announcements: (domestic issues only)
2. Appointment of minute-taker
3. Confirmation of Presentations completed yesterday
4. Report from secretarial group on co-ops’ work commitments - who is doing lots, who is
cause for concern
5. Reports back from workshops and working groups
6. Dates and venues of next four gatherings
7. Co-ops presenting at next gathering
8. Any other business
9. Evaluation round - facilitators to try out different methods for this dependent on time
available and mood
10. Announcements of forthcoming events, etc.
2.00 End followed by tea & cake